Friday, December 31, 2010


It's kind of a neat word. It means beneath the skin is what I'm gathering. That's what I am doing for our kitty Princess every day. She gets a sixty milliliter injection of fluids under her skin every morning so she doesn't dehydrate and so her kidneys will function properly.

It's not hard at all, in fact there are You Tube videos on how to do it. Princess doesn't mind the stick as long as I put a little bit of food in front of her first. I do think she minds the temperature of the liquid though. I ran some warm water on it before I gave it to her this morning so she wouldn't get so cold.

It's not a hassle to do it either, takes three or four minutes total. She gets lots of fluids and we get to keep our kitty healthy:)

I've found her a brand of food she really likes so I'll continue to get that for her as well. Today is payday so I'll be stocking up for the kitty.

Cigotch with Beersnob went really well. We got a plan mapped, at least a starting plan. It's bound to change on the fly but thus far it's a place to start.

Tonight is the last (at least for a few years) great Skate New Year's Eve party! They will soon be off to Germany for at least two years, possibly more! The good thing is that the world is a much smaller place with the net and Skype now.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Four Days Left

Yep, today and three more and my vacation is over. It'll be time to head back to the grind and a brand new year. A new year full of who knows what.

I know today Beersnob and I will have a cigotch and chat about things. Where to take our business, and how to get there. I'm very much looking forward to it!

We talked things over while he was in Iraq but it's always better in person of course. Anyway that's happening today!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Beersnob's Return Means Good Things

Yep, Sunday he and Mrs. Beersnob arrived back in our humble town from his tour in Iraq and the long journey home. Last night I went to a gathering for Weezy and many of the circle of friends were there. Beersnob showed up and looked slimmer than I've seen him in years!

He looked great, felt great, and we're planning on getting together today, or the next two days for lunch and some serious planning on our business. We need to map out 2011 and get our gameplan together. He'll have time off over the next month so we'll get that accomplished and get rolling!

I'm excited for 2011! 2010 was a big improvement over 2009 for me. Yes as I recounted here 2009 had some very good and very bad in it. 2010 was like a foundation year where the property was cleared off and prepared for building.

2010 was like building a foundation on the property and had some success. 2011 the walls should be going up. The Date will graduate with her degree and transfer to another school to continue her education, in fact many of my friends will be graduating this coming year! If nothing else happens we will have lots to celebrate anyway! How is that for being in a can't lose position?!

Yes 2011, if not being a good year, will be a year in which we grow. Struggle as well but we will grow. Many friends will be moving away, Skate and The Invader among them. They will be greatly missed as they are very loved here. For at least one friend, they will get a new start at a new life. For another they'll be adjusting to new surroundings and preparing for better things!\

It's all scary but at the same time it has to be a little bit exciting to discover what the next few months hold. Yes it is for me as well. Our business has the potential to be my full time gig and it could also wind up on the heap of failures I've had, but I'm not scared.

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." - Michael Jordan

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ho Hum

I made a spectacular meal of steak and baked potatoes last night for The Date and I to eat last night. Yep on the trusty Big Green Egg. I oiled up the potatoes, rubbed some salt on them, wrapped them up in some foil with the tops open to get the smoky flavor going and baked them for an hour.

They could have cooked for a bit longer as they were big and I found a couple of places that weren't tender like they should be. We were both stuffed after that meal! I felt myself morphing into an actual slug with a full belly!

I decided against making my own Worcestershire sauce yesterday, too many ingredients that just don't make enough to make it price effective. Yeah I bet it tastes great but you know, for three bucks you can get it made already and it'll last a long time.

The recipes I found did sound really good though and it didn't take as long as I anticipated. Perhaps someday it'll be something I attempt but for now, meh, no need:)

I fought my way to the top of the ladder in Starcraft yesterday morning! In fact I was number one until the evening when I went on a five game losing streak and dropped back to number two without the longtime top player even playing a game.

Anyway it'll take a couple of games to get the top ranking back, I'll conquer it again this week!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Second Official Day Of Vacation

With Friday being the first of course. What's in store for today?

Well I was thinking about looking into making my own Worcestershire sauce. I love that stuff, use it a lot in my cooking for flavoring. I know you have to ferment it though so it might be a longer process than what I'd really like to do. I mean you can just go down to the store and buy a big bottle for three or four dollars which is way less than what the ingredients would be to make it.

Basically it's my vacation and I'll do what i please:)

I haven't played Starcraft in nearly three days, that'll be on tap for sure. I'm still ranked second with a record of 203-213. I've got a total of 1766 points while first has 1802. It seems as if I've got a mental block going on. I'll get close, within ten points last time and went on a four or five game losing streak. I've had ten game win streaks before against good opponents but I can't win the three or four games I need to capture first.

I'll get there!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Nice Christmas

I enjoyed yesterday, the third Christmas with The Date and Things, the first I spent with any part of her family. We went to my mom's around ten for breakfast and presents, took the Things back home so they could pack and spend a couple of days with my wonderful in-laws.

The drive wasn't long, interstate all the way and that made it easy. We had a fun time but man I slept last night like the dead. That was really nice! It seemed like yesterday I was still catching up from the midnight mass experience and tried to catch a nap but it just wasn't possible.

Last night's sleeping made up for that:)

For those who need it, don't need it, don't want it, it or don't think they need it, you're in my prayers today:)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Midnight mass was an experience last night, beautiful ceremony and Thing 2 did great along with the rest of the musicians! It ended around one thirty and I hit bed around one forty. The pets wanted attention around seven this morning.

So I'm sleepy but up and around, coffee is made and it's a Merry Christmas to all!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Different Christmas pictures are rotating across the desktop computer. Stocking are hung on the stairs with care. Thing 2 is tuning her violin and Thing 1 is up before the crack of noon.

The Date is preparing to go to work today while I'm in my robe and pajama pants typing away. Perhaps Starcraft today, maybe a long winter nap mayhap.

I'm sure TBS will have A Christmas Story playing and I'm sure that I'll be watching. I'm sure that that's about the bottom of the barrel for rhyming for me too. I'm not creative enough right now to pull off a full on poem so I'll continue on to the regularly scheduled blog.

Thing 2 is playing midnight mass tonight at the local Catholic church, invited by Music Guy. A genuine sweetheart of a man who wouldn't harm a fly. She is excited and thrilled and has new strings to play Joy to the World.

The holidays are here again but will go, hopefully next year to return with some snow. A bit of rain outside doesn't leave much upon to slip or slide.

Ok that one was a reach however soon I'll be eating a peach? Sheesh these rhymes are getting worser and worser, it must be the fault of the still flashing cursor.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Last Day Of Work For The Year!

Yeah, this is it. I go in earlier and get off earlier today! Hooray! Beersnob should be in the air and homeward bound now if not very soon. Princess is gaining a little weight. Perhaps only an ounce at a time but she's gaining.

Hopefully today will go by fast so I can get home and start my vacation fast! I'm ready to say goodbye to 2010 and hello to 2011. Mostly I'm ready to just be done with work for now and have some quality time off.

My Starcraft experience last night was lacking. It was one of those nights that no matter what I did it didn't work and was countered effectively. It seems I keep playing for the midgame while most of my opponents play for the early win. I've got more to read and more to learn for sure.

The real bad thing is that most of my opponents last night had less than fifty wins which means the problem is likely in my head as I'm overthinking what's going on. I've won against top ranked opponents on a consistent basis and lost against opponents who barely know what's happening. I'll figure it out.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cooking Today

Yep, we are cooking three briskets and two full pork loins at work today for tomorrow's feast at work. We trimmed the briskets yesterday and injected them. They have been setting over night. Today it will take about a half hour, maybe a bit less to trim the pork loins.

The problem we will have today is Captain Queeg, the unstable yet personable inspector who walks around and makes everything his business. We will be hiding the cookers in the welding shop and locking up the door. He walks through at least two or three times per day so he'll know something is up.

He'll be concerned about some kind of safety issue no doubt, in a shop where they have ovens that will easily hit two THOUSAND degrees, torches, and tons of welding equipment. Everything is fire proof in that shop but he's psychotic and will pitch a huge fit about something if he finds out what we are doing.

It'll be quite the challenge though and I'm always for challenges at a place that usually offers none.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Three Days

Yeah, just three more and I'm off the rest of the year.

Haven't got a ton to report this morning at all other than watch what the FCC does soon. The LAST thing anyone needs is the FCC involved with internet regulation, a power Congress has NOT given them.

They are going to unilaterally regulate the net, something no government should do. This is a free market entity and should remain free from any government regulation at all. There is a fear that providers will start charging for websites or premium access to websites. Perhaps they are even the only option you have for web access.

Simple fact, you can always find what you are looking for elsewhere. Freedom is the hallmark of the net, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom from restrictions and regulations.

Here is another simple fact, once any kind of regulation is applied to something by a government agency, no matter how well meaning it is or small, it grows and grows like cancer until it's weighty and oppressing. If you think this is good, no problem but what is going to happen is that some administration will come along and use these rules to destroy what we enjoy now.

I'm all for better service at a better price but I don't trust government to regulate that to happen.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Four Day Work Week

Yep, just four days away from ten straight days off! I had a horrible Starcraft day yesterday. I had a seven game losing streak going at one point. I lost way more than that though I'd have the occasional win to break up the losing.

It didn't matter what I did, I couldn't win. I tried switching races, I tried proven build orders, nothing worked for me. Eventually I got on a six game win streak and while I'm still second in my league I came close again to gaining first!

I'll get there! I had so many close calls though. I know even the top players lose a few but I'd at least like to beat the players in bronze consistently which I'm not able to do at this point.

The Date was feeling ill most of yesterday. I'm hoping she doesn't have the flu but she had some horrible body aches late Saturday and just felt miserable. Hopefully today she'll recover and feel much better!

Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed by the Senate after a House vote late last week. As a Conservative/Libertarian hybrid I'm very pro-military (as I even work for the military). If it hurts the military and their performance I'm opposed to it as that would eventually hurt our country. None of my military friends mind the repeal, polls suggest few in the military oppose a full repeal so therefore I feel it's a good thing.

If you are willing to sacrifice your life in the military and defend our country, I'm behind you and support you! Serve well!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


If you ever want to get on Thing 2's best good side just whisper the word "sushi" in her ear. She will start to follow you around like a puppy dog and ask when are we going!

The fun part I have is after I tell her that I pretend to take her up to Jumbo's so she can browse their small counter of sushi. She will turn on her death stare and fold her arms, just shy of holding her breath and flailing on the floor.

Regardless it's always fun to offer her fresh sushi made in front of you and switch it to sushi made possibly that day.

Yes I'm sure the world has better sushi than what we have here however I'm sure that she believes she's had the best outside of Japan itself. I'm not that big of a sushi connoisseur but I do enjoy some good sushi from time to time. It's usually got great flavor, clean and fresh on the palate, and is light on the tummy.

I do enjoy the spicy side of it so I always spread a little wasabi on the top with a sprinkle of soy sauce. She will find the most oddball looking thing she can find and proclaim her love for it.

Sushi with Thing 2 is an adventure, offer it to her and see for yourself!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Great Party!

Last night we went to Tech Guy's house for a birthday party for Mrs. Tech Guy. It was a theme party with a holiday murder mystery to solve!

Fueled with enough food to feed a small army we embarked upon the holiday festivities with many of our friends and a couple of new acquaintances! Fun was had by all as we sorted through the clues, viewed the crime scene, reenacted the motives in skits, and took quizzes.

All in all this was one of the funnest things I've done at a party in a long time!

You two put a ton of time and energy into this party and it showed so kudos to Tech Guy and Mrs. Tech Guy for hosting such a brilliant and successful party! The wassail was amazing as always and Mrs. Claus and I had a great time!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Funny Evening

We watched Despicable Me last night. What a funny movie! Gru, super villain, tries to steal the moon. He winds up adopting three young girls instead. Hilarity ensues.

Good voice acting by Steve Carell as Gru and an excellent story to follow leads to a top notch movie for the whole family! The minions were hilarious to watch, the girls were cute and lovable, the whole story just meshed together perfectly.

The Date finished up her finals Wednesday and is officially out of school until January 10th. She maintained her A GPA and I'm very proud of her and the job she's be able to do!

It's Friday and it's time to get this day out of the way and get into the weekend! Viva la weekend!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bad Day Turned Good

Yesterday was just out and out bad. From the time I arrived to work to see SM already at work and getting their one hour of overtime per day (while sitting around doing nothing) to the threat of inspection just around the corner. Yes the same overstaffed and underworked shop I blogged about yesterday.

It felt like nothing went right and nothing was good enough. Even though you were doing the job better than anyone else has or will do it wasn't good enough. That's the one step forward and three steps back feeling I had all day. It wears you down and makes you just not care anymore. They can do whatever they want, you did what you could do and they think that sucks so why do anymore for them?

Thankfully it's all over now. They leave today and we are safe.

After work we headed to a Mexican restaurant for supper and then to church for the famous Christmas Pageant with friends! We helped celebrate T's birthday with her and enjoyed the rest of the evening. The show was good. They closed last night, it was the sixth show in a row.

I know the feeling of relief after a show closes. We've never done six in a row, four was the most. Four over one weekend and three over the other and that was a ton!
It is also very taxing on you and everyone involved. I chatted with a couple of actor friends of mine and we caught up a bit, bid our goodbyes, and headed home after a long day.

I was asleep soon after I laid down.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Half Way Done

Yeah, the week will be half over by the end of today! The inspection team should be wrapping up soon and headed out. They haven't looked at us as of yet however if they are going to it'll be today.

Everyone is on edge. Nerves are frayed and all of the hoops are in place to jump through. It sucks and there isn't a lot of work getting accomplished right now, meaning a big back log for next week.

If you are good with sheet metal, really don't want to work a whole lot, and want really good pay and benefits I'd suggest putting your application in right now. They'll be hiring at least one more person as they don't quite have enough right now to keep up. There is still one guy with lots of seniority who is working at least half a day right now and that's just too much so they created another slot. Now at least the top four will have a protege to do their work for them while they watch You Tube.

Think I'm kidding? Get hired and see for yourself.

In Princess news, she is doing well. She found her scratching post last night and went to town on it. She is eating more, drinking more, and seemingly doing as well as she did before she got sick. She goes back to the vet tomorrow to get her numbers checked and to be evaluated. I think they'll be close to normal and improving:)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Healing Kitty

Yep Princess is home! She needs to gain a couple of pounds back but she is home, eating, drinking, and jumping tall things. The vet said it's a slight possibility that she got into something to make her this ill however her constant want for water leads me to believe she was born with a kidney problem. One that with the right food and plenty of water can let her lead a normal, natural life.

Even if she needs the occasional veterinary treatment we can handle that. We just want her to be healthy again and happy like she was a short time ago. She ate about four times yesterday, not a lot each time but some. She drank plenty of water. She napped.

That's all I want from her right now. Eat, drink, sleep and her body should handle the rest. She's doing ok for now, Thursday she goes back to the vet to have her numbers checked again. If they are what they were when she left the vet or better then she's got a good chance!

Nothing right now leads me to think she won't get that chance. She's getting more active, eating more (right now in fact) and drinking her water. She used her kitty box, and is all set for a long morning's nap!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Thus Begins Another Week

This will be my last full week at work for the rest of the year though. Next week is like three and a half days as I'm off Friday and the half day is because of our employee Christmas dinner we make.

What will this week present? New challenges? Probably not. New ideas? Most assuredly. New problems that will arise to be overcome? You can bank on it. Payday? Thankfully YES!

After next week I'll be off work for ten full days and it'll cost me three full days of leave. Can't beat a deal like that for maximizing your leave! That's the way the federal holidays fall this year. Ten for three is pretty darn good!

I made a hearty beef stew yesterday to combat the cold. That and a fresh pan of corn bread can't help but warm you up from the inside out! There were freezing winds all day long and I just thought stew was in order. I'd have made chili but I made that earlier in the week.

It was a good weekend. I helped Teehee change his battery out in his Rav4. I watched the blizzard game between New England and Chicago which was a great weather game! The Pats blew them out but it's always fun watching bad weather games. And that was pretty much my weekend:)

The countdown to next weekend has begun!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I'm fairly certain I've written about Tom T Hall and his songs before if not I should have. I honestly can't remember. I feel certain I've written about Old Dogs, Children, and Watermelon Wine, I'm confident of it but perhaps the chemicals I work with have robbed me of those memories.

Regardless I feel that I'm certain I've written about Homecoming. Tom T Hall is known as the Storyteller. He writes about experiences he's had and tells a story via music. I realize a lot of music is story based however this seems more honest and rings true. Perhaps it's the style he uses or his voice or perhaps it's his guitar playing.

Homecoming is the story of a musician who has been on the road for years too long. He let's the listener (his father) in on a few inside bits of information about being on the road. The song is in the form of answers, the balladeer uses only responses to the unspoken questions posed by said listener in the character of his father. The song is bittersweet in that it looks in on life that has been left behind in favor of the chase of dreams.

The links have clearly been severed from the singer's former life however he makes the effort to reconnect albeit briefly but as sincerely as possible for someone who has made a new life. It is clear that years have passed since the singer has left and by the time of the singer's homecoming and it appears as if this will be the last time he sees his family. He was unable to make it to his mother's funeral and feels at ease leaving his father in the care of his brother and sister.

You get the feel of the Prodigal Son from The Gospel of Luke as the singer mentions that the father mentions the lady is who's sleeping in the car and has heard his son's songs on the radio eluding that the father has followed his son's career regardless of the distance between them.

From the implied questions you get the feeling that there was a special relationship between them in the very brief time they spent together. From last night until tonight combined with driving time leaves a mere minutes to a few sparse hours to catch up.

The song ends on the promise of future contact, a chide, and request to mention "Hello" to a former flame implying if there were a favorable answer then future contact was assured. Especially since you hear the line about meeting lots of people but there's no chance of getting hurt implying there's lots of meaningless female companionship with no emotional attachment.

The singer almost seems to be yearning for a simpler life at times and reconnecting with people who knew him before his fame. The listener is left with some unanswered questions and a brief look into the life of someone famous and the price they willingly paid to obtain said fame.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Coffee In The Morning

There are life's simple pleasures. Potato chips and coke, a malt and french fries, hot chocolate in the evenings of a cold, blustery day, and coffee in the mornings.

Coffee is a nice simple thing. Grind up some beans, filter heated water through them, pour, and drink. I like my coffee black. Occasionally I'll put a spoon or three of sugar in one just to change things up but 99% of the time it's John Wayne black coffee.

There is a waking up process I go through. First obviously I get out of bed. Barely need the alarm anymore as I'm usually awake a minute or two before it goes off. Then I brush my teeth, use the bathroom, and put the dogs outside. I feed the cats (Princess is responding to treatment by the way and has improved) and step into the shower. Get dressed, bring the dogs in, and make coffee while I blog.

I make a cup of coffee for The Date and take it to her and wake her up so she can start to get ready. Then I head off to work. I'm not big on drinking coffee during the day though, just in the mornings. When it's really cold I'll have the occasional Irish coffee but prefer hot chocolate with Bailey's Irish Cream in it and a dash of either peppermint or cinnamon schnapps.

But in the mornings, just a plain cup of black coffee is preferable. I can live without it but I do enjoy it.

We had some pretty good news last night, a cake that Thing 1 and her new Grandma made took third place in a contest! They worked on it last weekend for a full day and did a great job! They are getting some bonding time together and really enjoy it. Thing 2 and Grandma get the most bonding time and Grandma is teaching her how to do needlepoint and Thing 2 wants to learn to crochet. All skills that my mom has and wants to teach to her granddaughters.

It's really nice for me to see how much they love each other.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sick Kitty

Princess is at the vet. She has a kidney issue but we talked over all of the options and honestly I was prepared to have her put down if the vet agreed.

We went in to see her and the vet yesterday and held Princess. She wasn't listless, didn't appear to be suffering, and had some energy but she was weak. I changed my mind with the advice of the vet.

She is going to treat her and if Princess responds she will be around for a long time:)Yeah we'll probably have to learn to give her fluids under the skin but if that's what it takes then we'll do it!

I think she has a good chance at recovery but the next couple of days will tell the story. Prayers are always welcome for this frail little sick kitty. Princess needs to come home healthy:)

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Not A Lot

Today I feel rested. A lot more rested than yesterday but I feel blah this morning. Normally I have energy and I'm ready to get going. Not today.

I'm not mad, upset, depressed, sick, happy, joyful, nothing. I feel average in every way. I feel blank this morning.

I've got a can of soup for lunch at work today. I've got a Christmas meal at work tomorrow paid for by the company. I've got a weekend to look forward to. But all of that doesn't mean anything right now. I just feel like going back to bed and skipping today.

Oh well, I'll go to work. I'll get the day done. I'll do it again tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Nearly Sleepless NIght

I felt like I got to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow last night. Then somewhere between two and three my brain kicked on and it's been on since I got up leaving me feeling unrested and perhaps grumpy. The day will see when I have to interact with other people. I'm unsure right now what will happen, if I'll be my normal affable self or the very rare grumpy me.

I made chili last night to ward off the cold. I woke up and it's warmer out now than it was when I went to bed. No snow, nothing's frozen over, and no need to defrost the windshields.

The Date has some finals today so she will be very busy. Thing 1 is camped out on the couch after being sick all day yesterday. Thing 2 will find out if she got a part in the teen show. I'll struggle to get through the day with little to no sleep. I'll make it, I always do but it won't be fun or easy.

Things are gearing up for a big inspection next week and it's crazy nuts at work. People are losing their minds because of all regulations we have to follow. It's a voluminous amount however we've done the job for decades and know it well. We'll be ok.

I did watch some of MSNBC last night since it was a quiet night at home. Those are some angry, bitter people! Olbermann was beside himself with rage against the President for compromising with the GOP. Maddow had a silly but brilliant cheese analogy. The guy after that parroted the first two with nothing original to say.

Here are the facts. This is not a tax cut. It's an extension of the current tax rates for two years. In exchange the GOP agreed to an extension of unemployment benefits. I feel we could have brought the hammer down and put it at six months or less but we didn't.

The left feel like Obama sold them out and wanted a return to higher tax rates for some American families. Let's get this out of the way, NO ONE IS UNDER TAXED IN THIS COUNTRY! The government doesn't have a revenue problem, they have Obama's spending problem. They have to fund all of his elaborate schemes with tax payer money and there isn't enough.

The FED is producing money out of thin air now. That's not good. Our national debt is skyrocketing and there is little hope on the horizon to bring it down. If you think the bad times are almost over you are mistaken, they are still coming and soon there will be a bigger meltdown.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Long Day Ahead

So after the cat's destruction of our Christmas tree yesterday I took Thing 2 out and about and we found a new one. She wanted to decorate it in blue and silver so we found lights and blue and silver ornaments. The Date and Thing 2 proceeded to decorate the night away and it looks great:)

Now if we can keep Scotch out of this tree we'll do great. I got a couple of games of Starcraft in. I went 2-2 narrowly losing the last one against a gold ranked player. He was platinum in the three other divisions too. I'm still bronze even though I feel my skills warrant a higher league now. Abostang said there will be a ladder reset coming up soon and we can re qualify for placement again.

Today will be a lot of work. We have to get place ready for another inspection team and keep our regular work going too. That makes for a very busy day or handful of days really.

As a follow up to yesterday's post Obama and the GOP came to a compromise on taxes and unemployment. Two years of the Bush tax cuts for everyone for one year of unemployment benefits (which will end next year during the holidays if my calendar is right) The left is screaming at Obama about compromise and why he shouldn't do it and the right is upset for compromising anything since they don't have to after January.

You'll see the unemployment rate stay the same as long as you provide an incentive NOT to take a job. Of course how they derive at such a rate is a long and drawn out equation that most normal people couldn't figure out but politicians can and will manipulate it.

So look for a high unemployment rate for the next year while people are being paid not to find a job.

Monday, December 06, 2010

The Law: A LIberal's Demise

"Man can live and satisfy his wants only by ceaseless labor;
by the ceaseless application of his faculties to natural resources.
This process is the origin of property.
But it is also true that a man may live and satisfy his wants
by seizing and consuming the products of the labor of others.
This process is the origin of plunder.
Now since man is naturally inclined to avoid pain—and
since labor is pain in itself—it follows that men will resort to
plunder whenever plunder is easier than work. History shows
this quite clearly. And under these conditions, neither religion
nor morality can stop it." The Law - Frederic Bastiat

(Side note to post: you should take the time to read the above book. It is only seventy some pages and gives a better account on why liberalism is bad and destructive than I ever could. It was written in the 1850s and it's author died of tuberculosis about a year after it was finished.)

Over the weekend the extension of the Bush tax cuts or the soon to be taxes on the wealthy was defeated. It is common knowledge that one of the carrots that the Dems want is an extension of the unemployment benefits so that the tax cuts are extended for everyone.

This is the holiday season after all and it's unfair that the benefits are running out in December. I haven't looked but I'd wager that the ninety nine weeks of unemployment benefits were written into law to specifically expire now by the Dems so they would have an issue to fight for.

Bottom line there are jobs out there, yeah you might hate doing one of them. Delivering pizzas or stocking shelves sucks and it likely doesn't pay as much as your unemployment benefits. When the government will pay you more not to work than you could have made by working then where is the incentive to work?

The flip side is you Ninety Niners knew that eventually your benefits were going to run out, why didn't you find two or three jobs before they did so your family isn't in the situation it is in now? Ride the benefits out for ninety weeks, that's almost two years of tax payer money. Take the last nine weeks and get a couple of jobs to replace your income.

When I was on strike I had a job exactly two days after our first picket line. I worked on the third day of the strike. Since we essentially walked off of our jobs were weren't eligible for unemployment. I had a family to feed though and I had obligations to meet. The money wasn't enough to do that but we made do. We did it and got through that horrible time in my life. I delivered food and washed dishes.

That job got us through a very tough time. If I were given ninety nine weeks of tax payer money not to work I still would have gotten a job. I would have preferred to at least work for less money than take hand out money to do nothing.

If I were on unemployment for this long and hadn't done something about it until the last minute, I'd be ashamed of myself.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Saturday Was Fun

It all started off in the afternoon with Mozart's wedding. A nice service and a nice reception. The couple looked genuinely happy and we were happy for them! Pretty much most of our common friends were there and naturally hugs abounded.

Mozart composed an original song for his bride with a little lyrical help from Jamal. It was really good and I hope they have long and happy lives together! Then after the service but before the reception we had to rush Thing 2 to auditions for her to sing for next year's teen show.

Voice of an angel! I know I blogged a couple of years ago about Alison Krauss and how she sings like I imagined an angel would sing but Thing 2 is right up there! She was nervous and shy and definitely didn't want to go first but she went and got the jitters out. She'll be fine from now on doing auditions with lots of people around.

After that The Date and I headed to the reception where our circle was hanging out and chatting. We arrived and were able to hang out maybe twenty minutes before I had to take The Date home so she could get changed for work.

I headed back to the auditions where I had just missed Thing 2's speaking part audition. However we did stick around for another thirty minutes and watched the rest of the auditionees do their best. Then we came home and Thing 2 put up Christmas decorations and got the house all decked out!

After that it was puzzle time. Many years ago I purchased a BePuzzled mystery puzzle. It was a story and a puzzle. You had to read the story, put the pieces together and the picture on the box wasn't the same as the puzzle. So it's difficult however the problem is that we cant' find all of the edge pieces. There are only three corner pieces and we can't find the forth or anymore edge pieces that have specific color groups on them that will fit.

I believe it's incomplete and we'll probably have to start a different one. The Impossible puzzle proved to be that, too difficult to do. No edge pieces, five extra pieces that go no where, and a different picture than the box. Yeah, too tough right now.

Anyway this is a fun little family thing we've got going on and when you find a piece and put it into place it really makes you feel good. A solid, tangible sense of accomplishment. Yeah, it's a good family time:)

Saturday, December 04, 2010


Last night I got a hair cut for Mozart's impending nuptials this afternoon. Came home and The Date and I watched the very fun and enjoyable Hellboy 2: The Golden Army.

Today we have the aforementioned wedding to attend and an audition for Thing 2 for the teen production early next year. After that I believe The Date has to work this evening while I will either nap or play Starcraft or both.

As for now though I'm waking up and getting ready for the day and what it might bring!
Coffee in hand, breakfast devoured, and bushy tailed I think.

Friday, December 03, 2010

I'm Glad

It's Friday and the work week is 4/5ths over. One more hectic day at work and it'll all be over for forty eight hours. It'll start again though. Unlike a lot of people I don't mind Mondays that much.

You've got to get the week started if you'll ever get it done. Without the work week we'd never appreciate the weekend.

I did decent at Starcraft last night, won two more than I lost. Not bad but not good either. I should be at a much higher skill level now but there is something missing from my game that I just can't put my finger on. I'll figure it out though.

I'm still second place and did gain points on first. I do understand there is possibly a ladder reset coming up in a month. That means I get to re qualify and get into a higher league!

I need to get the opponent on defense faster, I'm waiting too long to move out and they are able to counter most everything when they are able to have an equal army. So I'll watch more replays and learn more and practice more.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Samcro Rides Off

Last night I finished up Season 3 of Sons of Anarchy. What I really thought would be the weakest of the series turned into the strongest with any of the weaker episodes completely covered up by the fact that the finale was the best of the entire series!

As we left off in Season 2 Jax's son Abel was kidnapped and the Sons were left on a boat dock, and Gemma had been framed by an ATF agent. Ho hum. The main storyline just wasn't appealing to me in the least.

We get to S3 and It's slow going through the entire debut...until the last few seconds when a drive by shooting attacks the club at a funeral. Wow! Now this show is going somewhere! Someone attacking the Sons in their own town? Really?! From then on the show kicks into high gear as the Sons take care of the shooters, hop a plane to Ireland, get involved with the IRA, dodge Agent Stahl, keep their territory, and stay out of prison.

All in all this is not only a great show but one with depth. Yes you do cheer on the bad guys. Guys who run guns, kill people, fight, drink, cheat, and bribe law officers.

In a western they would be the group that the Lone Ranger would be going after, in 2010 they are the amoral gang who has it's own brand of justice and scratch out a living selling guns for the IRA. Fiercely loyal to each other and will go to any steps necessary to protect one of their own.

So what is it that makes you set on the edge of your seat, hoping the traditional good guys get their comeuppance while the traditional bad guys get away with a slap on the wrist? I don't know but for a natural contrarian such as myself it works perfectly.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Day [9]

This man is a genius, Day [9] that is.

He could easily be doing stand up comedy in a night club but he's not. Instead he has carved his own niche in the most niche things I can think of. He broadcasts and commentates Starcraft 2 matches.

Day [9] broadcasts from
. Not only does he do a match daily but he has Funday Monday where he issues players an open challenge. For example in a Free For All match you had to kill off the opponents in alphabetical order. Talk about a challenge!

Another time he told all Terran players you couldn't use any Marines or Marauders, that'll just about neuter any Terran player for sure! After that he has Newbie Tuesday where players will send in problems in their gaming style and he'll help fix them. Friendsday Wednesday is where he'll have a top ranked player on and talk over a game they were involved in.

Day [9] is spectacular in his vocal stylings and lightning quick wit. If you have NO INTEREST in Starcraft at all and can't tell a Zergling from a Zealot you can appreciate Day [9]'s commentary for it's comic aspects and on camera charm.

He has been so good at his commentaries that Major League Gaming has picked him up to cast their matches as well as other Starcraft related tournaments such as the Dreamhack Tournament in Sweden.

Not too bad for a student who is still in college huh? He has become quite a celebrity in the Starcraft casting community. Day [9] is definitely someone I'd love to sit down and have a drink with. His advice to others has lifted my game tremendously as well. So perhaps someday if I become really good and get invited to a tournament or two I'll get to hang out with Day [9] but alas my skill is a LONG way from that point.

The only chance would be if Abostang and I got super good and they started taking teams into the tournaments. Abostang carries a lot of matches when they pick on the Protoss player as we have little to defend with in the early games. So Abostang has been left in a few 1v2 games and has won our fair share of them!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Last night Filmmaker Friend Chris and I took Diego out for a spin as a favor to Beersnob.

Diego is a 2009 Challenger SRT, fully loaded and one bad car. Black on black on black. Chris had never been in a car that powerful before so I decided he would make a great passenger for a ride.

So after picking up Diego from the garage we headed out for a bit. It was blowing cold and thirty seven degrees last night, not the ideal conditions for a casual ride but I had put off doing this for two weekends now and I had promised to keep Diego in running shape.

We move out to one of the main thoroughfares to notice a light had popped up on the dash. After searching for a button to get one of the lights on Chris pulled out his iPhone and found the owner's manual. We pulled into a parking lot where we could read it and found out it was the low tire pressure light.

I manipulated the buttons on the steering wheel to find the tire pressure monitoring gauge and saw that one tire was at twenty eight pounds and seemingly fine while the other three were blinking and between twenty five and twenty three pounds. I went to a gas station where I administered air into the tires while Chris watched the gauge to see if I got the right amount in.

The three other tires quit blinking but the low tire pressure light was still on. At that point I didn't want to over inflate the tires as it was cold and once it warmed up the air would expand anyway.

So tire gauges not blinking at us we headed around the town, radio on, and just chatted the evening away. It was nice and it was enjoyable. After The Date got out of class we picked her up for the last leg of the drive.

We parked the happy Diego back into the garage in fine working order and hopefully fine air pressure. Regardless it was a nice ride about town that brought back memories of when I was in school and too broke to do anything else but drive around town with the radio on.

Beersnob gets the next ride!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Back Again

Yep, today I'm back to work and I know right now I'll be faced with a pile of work from last week that will take me two weeks to catch up on. That's just the way it goes and the way it is.

I didn't play Starcraft at all this weekend. I'm still ranked second in my league and still three hundred points out of first, two hundred ahead of third place. I'm in good shape and if I win just a couple of games a day now I'll take over first in about a week.

All in all I'm an average player right now but I am improving. Even the top players in the world have a 60% win rate. High 60's are the elite players.

Interesting article I read this morning about the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) is dropping health care coverage for the children of workers. Between state and Obamacare regulations they can't afford it anymore. Fascinating example of sleeping with dogs and waking up with fleas.

The SEIU spent a ton of money (187 million) for the liberal cause and now they are forced to drop coverage for people they were fighting for.

Regardless it's hilarious because it shows exactly how bad liberal policies are. These idiots will put their own idealism ahead of the good of their own members who pay them to represent them and their best interests.

What if they would have kept the millions they threw at the policy makers and instead spent it on insurance policies for children? Just a thought. In the article mentioned above you can see how the union's limited resources are stretched to their limits but expect the state of New York to make up the difference with Medicaid payments.

In other words they blew all their money on a cause, got it, figured out later that the regulations are very demanding of them, drop coverage on children, and expect New York tax payers to bail it out with Medicaid payments. Yep, sounds like a union to me.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Last Day

Yeah, tomorrow it's back to work. This has been a nice week off and between Christmas and New Year's eve I'll be taking that time off as well so it'll be a short journey back to work.

I believe Sirius has turned on their Christmas channels now so that will make up most of my radio listening for the next month. They usually have about four channels that are devoted to Christmas music. Holly, Holiday Traditions, and a couple of others.

It's all Holiday Traditions for me, they'll play lots from Bing Crosby's legendary Christmas album, Gene Autry, Burl Ives, Nat King Cole, Andy Williams, etc. Those are the songs I want to hear. Do You Hear What I Hear is tops for me, the Crosby version of course. I blogged about it maybe a couple of years ago. It's the perfect Christmas song and Bing Crosby is the perfect person to sing it. That song epitomizes the essence of what Christmas is about.

I hope you have a similar song for the season:)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The BCS Lives

Sadly one of the BCS teams who could have busted up the BCS once and for all lost last night while Auburn, the number two team rallied to win. The BCS which has been a thorn in the side of every college football fan and is about as popular as the Democrat party is now in America will still go on.

Now it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to predict what is going to happen. Assuming that TCU wins today against New Mexico and Oregon and Auburn win next week then Oregon and Auburn will play in the BCS game.

The ultimate meltdown scenario would have been Oregon and Auburn losing while Boise State won leaving TCU and Boise at the top of the rankings. The BCS would have been abolished at that point for a better system.

Sadly that is an unlikely scenario now.

To paraphrase many Islamic Jihadists around the world, "Death to the BCS!"

Friday, November 26, 2010

Great Day

After warming up the Cure 81 ham (it's really not so much cooking with those as warming up fifteen minutes per pound) we headed to my brother's house for our Thanksgiving meal.

A short hour and a half later we were all ready for naps! Sluggishly we drove back home and camped out the rest of the afternoon, moaning with gluttonous delight. The naps began in earnest and lasted half of the afternoon.

Yes it was a fine day!

After awhile I awoke and decided to try my hand at Starcraft for the day. What a glorious day it turned out to be! I now have a winning record for the first time and I fought my way up to second in my league of one hundred. I now have a record of 145-136. You try it and see how long it takes you to get a winning record.

It's darn tough. I'm 428 points out of first place in my league, with an average of 28 points per win. So call that roughly fifteen wins out of first place. That's not counting losses or actual losing streaks that would make that a lot tougher road.

All in all it was a great day with my family, thank you baby, love you and thank you for such a wonderful day:)

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Today is one of the important days of the year. Not because of the trappings, the focus on Black Friday, parades, football, or dreading that relative that will show up and not stop talking. But it's important that you remember that you have been blessed.

If not by a family around you then you must remember that you are blessed that you live in this country. There are only three hundred million of us that were blessed to be living here in this time. Out of all the places in the world you could have been born in, out of all the times you could have been born in you are here and you are now.

Please remember that so what if you have that annoying person at the family meal today, it's small and be thankful that you have anyone at all because many people don't.

I am thankful that The Date and The Things came into my life, not sure where I'd be now without them but it wouldn't be as good as it is now.
I am thankful for my family.
I am thankful for my friends.
I am thankful for you gentle reader.

On this day I ask you to overlook the small things, just for today. Keep in your mind and your heart the spirit of giving thanks. In today's tough times there isn't a lot of good cheer for many families.

If you are one of those families that has fallen on tough times you'll be in my prayers. If you haven't had a job in months, if you have lost your home, or even your family, you are in my prayers.

I am one of the few fortunate people to have a great family to share a meal with today. I am grateful and thankful beyond words for that simple fact. The small stuff will have to worry about itself today, I'm going to celebrate the gift of being thankful with my family.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Editing The Divas

I just finished editing yesterday's shoot. I shot for nearly four hours, walking to ten locations and driving to the eleventh.

This was a better quality shoot overall. A lot of it was scripted and came off much better than the interview segments with random people that has been the focus in the past. It has taken me three and a half hours to get everything edited this morning. And I'm a fairly fast editor so I've got just a half hour under eight hours wrapped up in the Divas big holiday promotion thus far!

I'm happy with the results. They came across as more goofy this time which was the planned intent. The segments edited together well with a few cuts here and there.

If this direction is continued then I can see it developing into a much better product. We have passed the one hundred episode mark with yesterday's shoot. That's quite a landmark!

Here's to another hundred episodes!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Busy Day

Yeah even though I'm on vacation this week I'm working. I'm shooting today from ten until whenever and then editing after that. Depending on the size of the shoot I could be doing the bulk of the editing tomorrow.

The shoot yesterday went very well. Fast, easy, and flawless. I like that. Smooth shoots are the best. The editing went just as easy and the Divas are going in a new direction that will make things a bit more comical.

The weather isn't nearly as nice as it was yesterday but hopefully the shoots will be mostly indoors and go just as good as yesterday.

Watching North Korea news right now. It's hard to tell what they are doing. Are they trying to strengthen their position at the bargaining table or are they trying to establish the strength of Kim Jong-Il's heir Kim Jong-Un and give him credibility.

What is likely to happen is that North Korea will screw around and underestimate the retaliation headed their way. This is a situation that could go very bad very fast.

Monday, November 22, 2010

I Should Be Sleeping

But that's not going to happen. Something about the magic age of...that's not even accurate. Ever since an early teen age I've had stuff to do in the early mornings. Not farming but paper routes, football practices, weights before school, things like that.

Over the years I guess it's just stuck with little chance to change now. Even at work when my hours changed to the night shift (4PM-Midnight) I still got up fairly early.

I wonder what retirement will bring? Will I get used to the thought of sleeping in until possibly eight? Wow! What a thought that would be!

You may have noticed that I haven't mentioned my fantasy teams in a few weeks. They've pretty much tanked. In the Keeper league I had a three or four game streak of either low scores or losing outright. That'll kill your season.

Same thing in the main money league. The incredible run of Ten and his Dodge City Legend team has pretty much dominated the Keeper league. The Ottomatics might have more points but haven't been nearly as dominant.

The Walking Dead had the best episode of the short series run last night. The characters really had a chance to develop more. The unexpected happened with another group in town. All in all its a fantastic show! Season two can't get here fast enough.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

It Was Home Repair Saturday

So much for sleeping in on a vacation day, I decided an overdue home repair was in order. Armed with my paycheck from the previous day and approximate measurements I headed to the lumber yard in search of wood, paint, and wood screws.

I put the ladders under the repair area, ripped out the offending wood, and cleaned it up well. Had Thing 2 paint the new wood, cut the wood to fit, and replaced it with Thing 2's help.

The project took around four hours, traveling time included. I did have to return to the lumber yard for more wood as when I got into the project I found more wood needed replaced.

All in all it was a satisfying repair and not as difficult as I first feared.

Later in the evening The Date and I got out a puzzle. Not just any ordinary puzzle, this is an Impossible Puzzle, it has no borders, the picture on the box isn't accurate, and it has five extra pieces that go nowhere. After a couple of hours we called it a night on the puzzle to return to it today and this week for finishing.

It isn't easy but done together it will be a very satisfying project!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Yeah, I'm off work for a week!
That's right!

That's all for now!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Pre Vacation

Yeah, today is the last day at work for a full week. I'll have a couple of shoots next week that will take some time to accomplish but I won't have my regular forty hour to schedule around to do so.

I came home yesterday with a bad sinus headache and Nyquil'd up and crashed on the couch for a bit. Restless sleeping last night and I'm dragging a little this morning.

Regardless I'm going to tough it out today, or at least part of the day and see how it goes.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Beatles Vs. Everyone

In my humble opinion The Beatles were completely overrated. Last night a war nearly erupted between The Date and I over The Beatles being on iTunes and Elvis/Aerosmith.

Was Aerosmith a better band that The Beatles? Yes, absolutely! They have longevity, they the pedigree, they have been around for forty years, and they have gone through the tough times of "The Toxic Twins" and survived!

What have The Beatles done? Um...Yellow Submarine? Dream On vs. Yellow Submarine? Seriously? It's not even a contest!

Ok, look on You Tube and find Come Together from The Schmeatles and from Aerosmith! It's not even close! Aerosmith dominates! Yeah so what if The Schmeatles wrote it, Aerosmith showed the world how it was supposed to be done!

And don't even get me started on Elvis vs. The Beatles...I'm all Elvis. Of course if you had been reading my blog for any length of time you would have known that. Graceland vs. Liverpool? Really? Liverpool? Good grief...

Elvis by miles and miles wins that. It's not even up for debate! Elvis had a successful movie career, singing career, and what did the schmeatles offer the world? Yoko Ono? Wow...Linda McCartney...getting there.

Nah. Elvis was The King and it's not even disputable. If there was no Elvis there would be no Beatles. That's fact. If Elvis had never been born Rock would never have been born. The Beatles would be a footnote in music history at best.

Their music isn't timeless, it isn't relative to today, and it is easily forgettable. How many people born since 1970 listen to The Beatles every day now? One, maybe three?

I'd say Guns N' Roses' Appetite was far better than the best Beatles album! They were a bright shining shooting star that lasted four or five years and burned up! That's rock!

The Beatles? Meh, "it's timeless, it's meaningful", it's BORING and DATED!
No one does acid anymore. Hippies are extinct if not close to it. The Beatles are over and no one informed the twenty fans that still debate whether Paul was killed in a car accident or not. No one cares if Paul wasn't wearing shoes during Abbey Road...

Axl Rose caused a ton of riots if he didn't perform! He would (and still) get angry on stage and cancel shows while they were in the process of happening! THAT'S ROCK!

The Beatles? "I want to hold your haaanndd" blech...

In high school we had the paper route. On the weekends KATT would have this show on about The Beatles and talk about them and what time period in their music they were visiting that morning. It was a syndicated show and the guy narrating would talk about what John was doing and why he wrote what he did and what influenced his songs. Then there would be an audio clip of one of them to drive the point home followed by the song.

My point is that it isn't that I haven't listened to them, haven't heard what they sung about, or what they meant to the world. Just that I don't care and see them as overrated now. Simply put Led Zeppelin, Metallica, and Guns are more relevant to me than The Beatles will ever be. Long Live Elvis.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nice Quiet Evening At Home

After an tedious day at work I came home and nearly collapsed on the bed. Actually I laid down but collapsing sounds more dramatic. The Date had gone grocery shopping and brought home some soup makings! It was cooler out so soup is great for evenings like last night.

The hearty stew I made a couple of weeks ago will be best for temperatures under thirty though:) She also started in making homemade bread. She and Thing 2 mixed the dough and let it rise. Then into the pans where it had to rise for another hour.

While this was happening I had gone out to get some crackers for home and lunches for work. Brought The Date home a big box of chocolates from Walgreen's. She had a ton of homework to do for today and I figured that would make studying that much easier.

Then I started to play Starcraft to really unwind from the day. Some people use alcohol, some food, some other things, I use a challenging game to take my mind off of the day and bring it down some.

I had a great five game win streak going then I lost three and ended the evening. Two games I was disconnected though but I was losing or on the verge of losing if I didn't change some strategy around. One game I nearly won but it was a race to see which army could wipe out the other's base and he found mine before I found his. I was within destroying one building though of winning.

So I was that close to probably going on an eight game win streak. Technical glitches notwithstanding. I did improve my ranking to ninth in my league now and was eighth before things went bad. Just a handful of points away from seventh too.

I'll get there!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

At First

I was really puzzled by this article. A 13 year old boy was told to remove the American flag from his bike that he rides to school. Granted it happened in California where the unexpected is bound to happen but alas this is America and if you wish to show your patriotism then by all means do so!

The Superintendent Edward Parraz said the school had experienced some racial tensions recently which forced the decision. The whole situation still puzzled me as this was STILL America and shouldn't we have the flag in class rooms and say the Pledge every morning? Perhaps that has stopped I'm not sure on that but when I went through school that's what we did.

Regardless the situation became clearer when I read THIS article. At this point it was clear as a bell! We are talking about illegal Mexican immigrants now. Obviously they were offended at the young boy and his display of patriotism. I mean it IS the American flag after all, such a vile display of freedom should be outlawed. By all means lets get rid of every flag in the state so we don't offend our neighbors who happen to be in our country.

Just to be crystal clear on this subject I am a proponent of a streamlined INS process that allows immigrants to become citizens and assimilate into our culture. This was once the Great American Melting Pot at one time but liberal multi-culturism has hyphenated our society, breaking us down into labels instead of one unified label, Americans. When I get the occasional survey phone call they ask what I am in which I always reply Non-Hyphenated American.

We are born Americans. We conquered this country from the Indians. Not the best moment by any means but we've made amends. We should remember no matter what your skin color you are an American if you are born here. We all are and should fight the policies that run counter to that. We have our own culture and lead the world with pop culture. If you want to be here then you need to become a citizen and accept our culture as your own. If not then by all means stay where you are.

The current INS system has got to go. It needs reform so badly it might as well be the BCS. It is antiquated and clunky, tear it down and rebuild. Don't punish the people who have gone about immigration in the right way and don't reward those who jumped the border either.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Very Nice Sunday

As Beersnob's magic number is now reduced to 37 today I have to tell you that yesterday was one of the best Sunday's I've had in a while:) The Date didn't do much at all but turn up the couch magnet and relax together:)

In between shows I didn't care about I moved my Starcraft record up to 108-112. I'm ranked 11th and easily within striking distance of 8th. One small streak and I'm there with points to spare.

The Walking Dead was outstanding last night. The show it its half way point and there are only three episodes left. Season two had better not be delayed! Hopefully this will be a series that will last for years!

We also watched Sarah Palin's Alaska! This show should really take the wind out of the liberal's sails about the Palins. I can't think of any recent political figure outside of President Bush who took such a media thrashing and was mercilessly bashed by liberals other than Governor Palin.

They have a very nice, normal family. There is no Ivy League pedigree there. Instead they were thrust into the national spotlight and came under some of the most intense scrutiny ever. I'd say if the media had given Obama the same scrutiny he might not have been elected. They could very well be the nice family next door.

As it has turned out though I'm thankful that Obama was elected and liberalism has been unmasked for the political philosophy it is. Obama engineered the largest conservative victory since the 1940's. Congressional districts will now be redrawn and liberals will nearly be extinct for a generation, redistricted out of existence.

In 2012 the Senate and White House will turn red and fifty years of liberalism will start to be undone. Government spending will be reined in, government will shrink, and government will once again be of the people and by the people.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Unexpected Fun

So there I was last night, The Date was working, Thing 2 was upstairs working on who knows what, and I was playing Starcraft 2. I had gone 3-2 thus far, winning the games I won convincingly and losing narrowly but still losing.

So I'm playing along with nothing particular in mind when I get a text from Teehee. He requested my presence and The Date's at the Pub to help celebrate his birthday! I text him back and tell him that The Date is working but I'll be up shortly and share a drink with him.

I get there and Skate and The Invader are already up there and enjoying appetizers and drinks! I knew right then this was going to be a fun evening:)

It did not disappoint! We set our Zombie Apocalypse of Doom rally point at Flathead Lake in Montana. Freshwater, low population, cool enough to impede the zombies from attacking. I'm operating on the notion that they are cold blooded creatures and will freeze up or move slower in the cooler climes.

Regardless Teehee was in prime form, Skate did his best to knock over a beer and was successful, The Invader caught onto a long running joke, and The Date showed up after work:)

And all was well with the world for a few short hours.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Editing This Morning

Yep, going to get the shoot finished up from Thursday night. Last night I was just beat after work so it is working time now!

I slept really well, I'm waking up and ready to get going now. Coffee in hand and ready to work. I'll get this finished up in about an hour. It was a good shoot and the footage should be really nice!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Foggy Nights

So I'm working a shoot last night. The fog is so thick I can barely see the tall buildings in town. It's low and looks spooky in the orange sodium lights. Evenings like that are perfect for going out and walking around.

Yeah it would be cooler if there were some snow coming down but alas evenings like this you just have to take as you get them. They are rare enough. It's a rainy morning. No fog that I can see but it is drizzling at this moment.

The shoot went well. One of the better shoots we've had.

I needed that day off. It really helped me recharge a little bit and get ready for the ton of work I've got waiting on me today. Yeah I know what today will bring and it's nonstop work, busy hard work. I started off yesterday with a long losing streak on Starcraft, I ended the day with a run of nine wins and one loss!

Now on to work.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteran's Day

If you are a veteran I'd like to say thank you for your service. You are the reason I am free today. You are the reason we don't fear terror attacks at the voting booths. You are the reason we can lift our collective voices in praise on Sunday mornings and sleep tight at night.

You are the reason for so many things we don't even notice we have but would notice if they were taken away. Sadly some wouldn't even notice then.

As a country it shames me that many in our government use you as a bargaining chip. Our debt to you can never be repaid. It could never be attempted to be repaid or the cost calculated as to the amount owed.

The veteran is the only one in which many countries around the world also owe a debt to. Not only have they secured our freedoms written by our Founding Fathers but they have secured the freedoms of many we now call our allies.

If you see a veteran today, please thank them. You'll never know how much you owe them.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Good Starcraft Night

The Date made chili last night relieving me the duty of cooking:) That was very nice as I've had a tremendously busy week at work. It happened just like I predicted, one coworker is off and the workload triples.

It's been nonstop all day long. I came home and nearly fell asleep in fact.

After a very good supper I logged into Starcraft and had a pretty decent night. What an entertainment bargain! Sixty for the game and I'm just over the five hundred game mark in games played. I've fought my way up my league ladder, starting in the mid eighties I'm now ranked twenty three. Abostang and I are ranked fourth in our 2v2 league.

Getting promoted to a better league seems to be a mystery though. There are some mystery numbers you have to achieve in your game play before being promoted. There are teams with much better win/loss records than we have and they haven't been promoted yet so I'm really unsure. I've read a lot of message board posts about the subject and it's all guessing with very complicated numbers.

Blizzard has their formulas and all Abostang and I can do is just win and we'll get promoted to a tougher league. Beating every team we play and before long we'll have to be promoted! We'll just have to buckle down and play some marathon sessions and win eight or nine out of every ten games.

I'm sure we've got it in us to do that!

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Caught Up

I've watched all of my DVR'd Sons of Anarchy, Stargate: Universe, and am now ranked in the mid 20's in my Starcraft league.

Samcro has really kicked the show into a higher gear this season. The outlaw biker gang has become the target of none other than their former ally, the Irish Republican Army. The original urban terrorists.

This should be interesting to see how it plays out as they also have trouble at home with the ATF and Gemma handing herself over to the Feds.

SG:U is just the best scifi show on TV right now and is likely neck and neck with The Walking Dead which I'm not sure I'd call scifi or not. I mean it is for TV but it's more survival horror as far as genre is concerned.

SG:U takes the preferable longer term story arc and does blend in the occasional monster of the week episode. Season one again started out with the bare basics. A sparse environment, low air, no water, and went from there. Season two has picked up where one left off as they are learning about Destiny and how to control her.

In Starcraft my last ten games I'm 7-3:)

Monday, November 08, 2010

Normal Human Time

Yes the dreaded Daylight Saving Time has ended and we are back to the time we were intended to get up at. The time where you feel sleepy headed to work is over. We get our hour back that was stolen from us!

Viva La Hour, or whatever.

I'm sure that if they could find a way to stretch it further then they would make it year long. I like my hour of sleep. It makes me feel better when I wake up. That's another reason why I like this time of year, our sleep patterns return to normal again.

I'm just glad our long national nightmare is over.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Go BCS Busters!

TCU just destroyed number six Utah yesterday and Boise did similar damage to Hawaii. Sure Hawaii is unranked but they still put a whooping on them.

TCU has faced their biggest test of the season and came out the other side unscathed. They should cruise to the top of the polls if Oregon stumbles. Hopefully they'll stumble soon so the BCS will melt down China Syndrome style.

It's unlikely Auburn will remain unbeaten, the conference is too tough and they have a conference championship game on top of that, an unfair disadvantage as not every conference has them. If Boise and TCU run the table and Oregon and Auburn stumble what does the BCS do?

Why even rank these two teams in the BCS polls if they can't play in the national championship game? Why rank any team that isn't eligible? There are so many problems with this horrible system that it's easier to find the wrong than the right. Playoffs, that is the only way to determine the real national champion. The top eight teams play to determine the winner.

The traditional polls would have the same effect as they have now. They determine the top eight teams at the end of the regular season. Those teams are then in the playoffs and their destiny is then in their own hands! Keep winning and you keep playing.

No more split national championships. It would really mean something then because they earned it and it wasn't voted for.

Boo BCS, Hooray Playoffs!

Saturday, November 06, 2010

First Anniversary

Yes gentle readers today is the day The Date and I were married. One year ago the love of my life and Things 1 & 2 became a bigger and official part of my life.

I would like to take this blog to thank them, all three, for enriching my life and making it far better than I've ever known before. Through the good and bad we have gone through a lot and come out just fine after one year.

If the first year is the hardest then we've got this thing licked! My love, my wife, The Date has made everything better and I couldn't imagine life without her or The Things.

They took a lonely (and quite possible lifelong) bachelor and have molded him into a lot of things he never thought he would be. Love all three of you with all of me, I don't say it often enough or hardly at all but just know that I do love you three and that I'm happy you said Yes!

You've made me a better man.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Alone Again

The next week and few days will be very busy at work. My co-worker has taken off to deer hunt until the sixteenth possibly longer. What I've noticed is that when this happens the work load triples and not doubles.

Yeah this will be a long few days for sure. I can handle it without a problem it's just the high strung people who make their jobs the hottest priority will have to understand I am one person and will get to it when I can.

That's the way it goes with my job. These days are fast, they will zip by but they'll also be tiring. I'll be finished off by the time I can clock out.

I'll deal, I always do.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Wind Knocked Out Of Me

Yesterday I had a huge disappointment. A while back I came up with an idea for Beersnob and I to film and market. I looked online for a similar idea and didn't find anything close to what I had in mind.

Yesterday I was listening to a radio show and the host told everyone of a new sponsor. It sounded like everything I had planned to shoot and more. I went to their website and sure enough it was exactly what I had in mind.

I felt horrible. My idea had been done. I texted The Date about it and I emailed Beersnob about it. He told me that he wasn't surprised to see a good idea already realized before we could start on it. He said we might not be first but we could do it and change our focus essentially. We'd have to talk it all over upon his return and find out how we can make it better.

The Date merely told me that competition was good.

I'm not sure how either of them realized how crushed I was. I felt like Mike Tyson from 1984 had just hit me as hard as he could in the gut and knocked me flat. This idea was a complete dream and symbolized a very nice future for my family and Beersnob's family. It was potentially gone now.

I was hurt, mad, and any other adjective you could think of along those lines. I stumbled through the rest of the day at work, took Thing 2 to violin lessons, and met with Filmmaker Friend Chris at a coffee shop while Thing 2 played for her teacher.

I didn't tell him about my devastedness (new word) and instead relayed another idea to him I had about a live streaming website. He was enthused about the idea. He asked if this was a project we could pull off or just talk about and never take any action. The simplicity of the idea all relies us not doing much. We are going to talk about it again next week and see what transpires.

That made me feel better, whether it was a dumb idea or not he listened to it and started adding to it. So nothing may never come of it and I'm ok with that. It made me feel better over the disappointment I had during the day. Maybe I can find a way to make the first project happen again or make it better. Time will tell.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

The House Is Ours!

The GOP picked up enough seats last night to take control of the house with a large majority. The is the largest pick up by either party since 1938 when the Dems lost seventy one seats. Last night the GOP won between sixty and seventy seats! The GOP closed the gap in the Senate but the Dems held onto it. This sets up 2012 as a year that the GOP can take total control of Congress and the White House!

This was flat out a rebuke of President Obama and his agenda.

The American voter was upset and told Washington about their desire to head in a different direction. Now it's up to the GOP to stay on track, tie up every bit of legislation they can that Obama wants, and hold on for two years. Then we can start to roll back or flat out repeal the damage Obama has done.

This man is either an elitist who doesn't care or completely out of touch with reality. I'm leaning towards elitist. He is planning on taking a ten day vacation to India and Asia which will cost us a grand total of two billion dollars. Two hundred million dollars per day. PER DAY! In a time of ten percent unemployment this man is taking three thousand people on vacation!

Don't believe me? Read this, its from the UK's Mail.

I know that the country would have a fit if W would have done something like this. He gave up playing golf while we were invading Afghanistan because of media scrutiny. Obama still goes every week, no criticism there.

TWO BILLION DOLLARS FOR VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who pays for it? ME AND YOU!!!!!!!
Where's the outrage??????? The article mentions towards the end about the US trying to reduce the deficit and spending, that this trip could spark public outrage...sadly they are mistaken.

Obama gets his tail whipped last night and heads out of the country. Without the House his agenda is dead. Nothing will get through for a vote now. The brief experiment with socialism is over with. Thank you American voter!

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Lord have mercy it is the best day of 2010!!! The day where Democrats will join the ranks of the unemployed! Yeah it won't matter a lot to the total number of unemployed people out there right now as upwards of 100 Democrats lose their jobs however it's a start!

Yeah someday, and this would be a good day, there might be only three liberals left in Washington. Two in the House and one in the Senate, just to remind voters about how nutty liberals are and why you shouldn't vote for them ever again.

Fifty years of liberal damage has to be undone, it hopefully will start today. Massive spending cuts should be addressed each and every week. The GOP should keep sending spending cuts to President Obama and force him to veto them.

Social Security should start to be privatized. The LAST thing I want is a GRA. I want to be in complete control of saving for my own retirement.

I don't want the government in any facet of it at all. Not one iota. I want NPR free from tax payer money. I already give lots to liberals I don't like via union thuggery. Let NPR compete with other radio stations on level ground. If there's a market it'll survive without a problem.

Medicare and Medicade need to be addressed as well as other entitlements. Filmmaker Friend Chris was opining yesterday about how, "When I see cancer patients taking smoke breaks while in the hospital, welfare recipients with iphones and nice cars, and druggy parents popping out more kids (all of it on a regular basis)...then yeah...I tend to get a little cynical. Praying for them all." as he also works for DHS you can see that he knows what he is talking about. He is on the front line of public entitlement abuse.

However this is rationalized by most liberals as they care about these people. Naturally Democrats care, they are people too and have compassion. However well intentioned they are, they are generally wrong and believe that more government spending programs will fix all problems.

Well someone has to pay for those programs, someone has to foot the bill for entitlements for people they've never met, someone has to write the check, and someone has to manage it all.

The someone who always is asked to pay is the American worker. Each and every time they are asked to pay more and more by liberals.

Here's my America: secured borders with a streamlined INS process.
Big military, massive in fact.
Either a national sales tax, VAT, or the Fair Tax in place to make paying taxes easy.
I'd love to see health insurance have as many commercials as Geico so that the sheer competition of companies keeps prices low.
Privatized social security so I can direct how my retirement funds are to grow and not the government.
School voucher programs so parents have a choice on where to send their children to get their educations.
No public unions, at all, period. If you are working for the government via tax payer dollars you don't get a union. It wreaks havoc in Europe when these whiners go on strike for days on end.
Congressional reform, they have to live by the same laws everyone else does. They can't go opting out of things that they make laws for everyone else ala Obamacare. They can't vote themselves a raise anytime they feel like it. They should have to make a budget and stick to it and live within the means the taxpayer has given them to live, not more.
Reform if not end the Fed outright. Not sure how it can be accomplished but it's got entirely too much power over the economy. That's more of the Libertarian side of me actually instead of the Conservative side.

My America is where you can earn what you want and keep what you earn no matter anything about you. If you have the idea to make something or make something better you have the opportunity to do so without being hassled by endless amounts of government regulations and bureaucracy.

That's my America and everyone is welcome, even reformed liberals!

Monday, November 01, 2010

Nodember Is Here!!!

Yes it is, Nodember first! A long national two year nightmare for any red blooded conservative is over with come tomorrow! The only question is how many in Congress will be fired and sent home to join Obama's skyrocketing unemployment lines!

I'd be thrilled with one seat majorities in both the House and Senate but the Senate will be a tough nut to crack. The House though, well that is an easily reachable goal. A few of the safer seats such as Speaker Pelosi's seat have come close to moving within the margin of error. That's quite a feat considering her district is San Francisco based.

Barney Frank's seat is close to jeopardy as well. The man who presided over the housing collapse and declared Freddie and Fannie as sound and refused reform is in danger of losing his job. Hopefully it'll happen tomorrow!

I'll be glued to the returns tomorrow night, switching between Fox and MSNBC so I get diversity in my election coverage. I have a feeling MSNBC will have a political cow tomorrow and quite possibly Matthews, Olbermann, and Maddow will need medical attention during the election returns.

My how two short years makes a difference! With W's midterm elections the setting President's party gained seats in the House and Senate. In the 2006 midterm elections the GOP lost control of Congress.

Now President Obama will have to deal with a political defeat of Mondale proportions! Liberals everywhere will deride the GOP as the party of "No" and rightfully so. That's why we are sending more conservatives and firing more liberals! President Obama's agenda will no longer be welcome in Washington. The lame duck session will be interesting. They'll have to cram as much legislation through before January as possible because it'll be their last chance.

My wildest dream is that the GOP will gain enough seats to override a veto. That would mean 2/3rds of the House and Senate would have to be in GOP hands. Only 1/3rd of the Senate is open so it isn't possible unless many seats considered safe would switch hands. The House though is a different story! Yes enough seats can change hands to render the President impotent in Washington!

That would be my wildest dream and unlikely this election. Perhaps after the GOP gets to work to repeal the Obama agenda next year we'll see if America will send them more help in 2012. I completely expect the new members elected will start on cutting the budget, entitlements, and repealing Obamacare as well as call for hearings on TARP and get their money back out of the stimulus slush fund bill.

I expect taxes to be lowered and a brand new tone to be set in Washington. No more "bipartisanship", no more compromising with liberals. I want to defeat them. I want them sent home and their agenda left in a burned out husk of failure. Tomorrow is coming and if I were a liberal I'd be nervous that my political ambitions will not see the light of day in a generation!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Epic Day

Yeah, Saturday was pretty epic in a lot of ways!

First the last show of the Dearly Beloved run was fun. The Date's best friend came up from Houston to see it and spend a few days. That is a good time! She's fun to have around!

The annual party at Jamal's house was epic though! Jamal always goes all out on his blowouts and this one was no exception! We arrived around eleven after the show and after taking The Date home to change into her costume of a Zombie Prom Queen.

We arrived to costume's aplenty and dozens of people having a great time! I hung out on the patio most of the evening with a Diesel Unholy Cocktail cigar. A boutique line but very chocolaty and full flavored.

Mingling was accomplished, alcohol was consumed (except by me as I just don't drink much anymore) and Halloween was brought in and recognized as the fun holiday that it is!

Tonight The Walking Dead premiers and another small gathering will be here to watch and enjoy this epic series! I'm making a seven layer dip and a few odds and ends. Nothing much but snack worthy food regardless! I can't wait!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Final Show

In a couple of ways actually. First it's the final show of Dearly Beloved! It's also your final shot at seeing it! Better make sure you can make it tonight! Second it's also the final show for me and my family for at least a couple of months. I'm definitely in need of a break from the theatre for a while.

Come see the show!

Tonight's the big Halloween party at Jamal's house. The annual blow out of epic proportions! It'll be a ton of fun and everyone will be there!

Today is about editing the project from Thursday and getting it up online. I've had little opportunity to get it finished thus far. But I will!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Weekend Ahoy!

And I've got a ton of work to do.

I wasn't able to get much of the shoot last night edited so that'll be on tonight's agenda along with a full show. This weekend I'll have another editing project to finish among other things like a show Saturday night, a massive Halloween party, and the premiere of Walking Dead on AMC Sunday night.

The Date's best friend flew in from out of town yesterday and will be spending the weekend with us so it'll be that much more fun! All in all it's a jam packed weekend of thrills and chills...and work.

Thing 2 went to the haunted house last night with T. The Date reports she loved it!

I've got to get this day started if I'm ever going to get it done so bring it!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Shooting Tonight

Yeah it'll be a bigger shoot too. A CD release party so it'll have a lot of people there for the premiere. It'll be a good time and of course I'm working it so I'll be getting paid to be there.

I watched a couple of innings in the World Series and saw Cliff Lee give up a few runs and the Giants go up 5-2. Then I watched some of the Thunder game on ESPN, saw it was a tight game. Durant was playing very well! They finished off Chicago with a win!

Times have changed, Chicago used to be my favorite team in the Jordan era of course. I've still got the last two seasons of playoffs and finals recorded on VHS. One of these days I'll have to get them digitized. It's got commercials, pregames, and everything!

Yeah it'll be great to go back and revisit those games when I do digitize them. I'll have to get a VHS with a USB to do so. They can be had fairly cheaply in fact. It's not pressing at all, I've got other things to do first.

Like going to work in a few minutes for instance.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


First and foremost to The Walking Dead premiere on Sunday evening! This is going to be a great show! I'm sooo looking forward to a live interpretation of the comic! I loaned The Walking Dead Compendium to Skate for reading before the show starts so he could get a feel for it. He plowed through the whole thing in like three days.

It's a thousand plus pages gentle readers. Forty eight issues all in one place. I've got four more volumes for him to read that continues the story of Rick Grimes and his band of weary travelers. They encounter things far worse than zombies in the new world. Things that you wouldn't think would be worse but are even more dangerous.

The new world offers new challenges like the basics: shelter, food and water. Electricity is either gone or as good as gone. Gas can be siphoned from abandoned vehicles left on the roads. Scrounging becomes an art.

It's a bleak world where even the youngest must grow up faster than they should have to if they were to survive. It's not about living anymore either, it is about surviving, surviving one more day when everything is against you.

It'll be a great show!

The countdown is also on for Election Day, Nodember second! When all of the liberals are thrown out of Congress for good and President Obama has his political agenda effectively neutered. I know he blames the previous administration and you might as well but do keep in mind that liberals have held Congress without challenge since the midterm elections of 2006 so basically January of 2007. Congress is in control of the budget and the President can veto it or sign it. You'll remember it was a time of gridlock on the Hill.

Regardless Nodember second is a referendum on Obama and his agenda. It is being played up as less than that. That he needs more time to turn things around while I would argue that this is exactly what he wants. He wants a weak country. He wants people on unemployment and food stamps. He wants people to become dependent upon his group of politicians as they steadily grow into ruling royalty elites.

He is getting his way and the people don't like it. They'll let their voices known Tuesday:)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hard Decisions

Yesterday The Date turned down her job offer to stay in college full time and graduate. I'm proud of her:) She didn't take the easy way out and even though this means we'll be tight on money from time to time it also means she'll get better opportunities in the future.

Not just job but career offers in a few short years. I'm happy she made this decision. Putting off instant gratification now for more rewards later is a great way to do things. It's something I didn't do as I took the best job I could find eighteen years ago and I'm still at it.

Who knows what would have happened if I had stayed in college. Where would I be? Well I am happy to say after all of these long years of wondering I'm happy right where I'm at. It works out as after eighteen years I'm topped out on my pay scale and we aren't desperate for money while The Date does go to school full time. God works in mysterious ways and this is one of them as well.

Who knew that is what I stuck out those tough years when I really wanted to quit for.
It was to prepare for this situation now:) Practically no debt and money to live with while putting my wife through college to get her degree. Makes sense now:)

Another tough decision I made was to log into to Starcraft again last night after such an epic losing day on Sunday. I only got beat one legitimate time last night! I was 5-4 but lost to cheese rushes three times and quit in the first two minutes on one of them because I didn't want to deal with a low skill player. I want to make my skills better against a good player and I'm ok if I lose to a good player.

Thing is I beat some great players last night! Players with really good records and I won. I'm ten games under .500 now but I'm gaining fast and each loss is a learning experience! On almost all of my losses I had a better economy going but I didn't translate that into a bigger army. If the other losses weren't cheese players (players with no skill who lean on gimmicks and exploits to win instead of thinking about strategy) I would have been at least 5-1! That's improvement after such a bad day before and practically no confidence going into last night.

My fantasy teams went 1-1. I'm a division leader in my main money league and in second place in my division in the second. I came up just short 51-53 from being the division leader there too! All in all it was a day filled with hard decisions and a day in which the future will have to take care of itself while I concentrate on getting the love of my life through school as well as getting The Things into college in a few years, and becoming better at Starcraft;)

Hope your day is great!

Monday, October 25, 2010

One More Week!

Well the show is on it's half time break for four days then the final two shows next weekend! The houses have been good sized, the cast has enjoyed each show, and sometimes I blow a cue because I'm watching the show!

I had a horrible Starcraft day yesterday. I couldn't win at all. I believe I won maybe six out of twenty. Most of the games were good, I just didn't transition to my mid and late game strategies well. Hardly any of them put any early pressure on me at all so I became the aggressor and they held me off too well.

To contrast this Saturday I couldn't lose! I had a six in a row win streak in fact! The same strategies worked time and time again against good players! I looked at their records! I couldn't believe I was knocking off some skilled people here. I looked at the records yesterday and most of them had half as many wins as me except one notable player who had more. The majority of them had less games played total than I had wins or losses.

I just wasn't on yesterday and it showed. It shook my confidence and I carried that over to my 2V2 game and 3v3 games. I was consistently one of the lower players when I've been a lot better.

It happens, I'll pick it up again and get a streak going again. I'll read more message boards at work and watch more replays. I'll get my mojo back!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Meltdown Is Coming!

Not the Democrats although that's coming too but the BCS meltdown is on it's way!

Oklahoma lost last night, they were number one in the BCS poll. That leaves Oregon, Boise State, Auburn, and TCU as the next in line. Oregon might or might not be beat the rest of the season. Auburn plays in the SEC, more than likely someone will trip them up. Boise played the hard part of their schedule already, and so did TCU.

The perfect BCS meltdown scenario is Boise and TCU staying undefeated while all of the top BCS teams suffer a loss. The BCS would then be forced to take two teams ranked below Boise and TCU since they are not eligible for the BCS National Championship.

The system will have to be destroyed faster than the liberals destroyed health care! A public outcry against the BCS system is necessary at that point to get it across that no one wants it, save the major colleges who make more from the current system.

Simply put I want a college football playoff system. I'm for every possible way to destroy the BCS as it exists. Take the eight highest ranked teams at the end of the season regardless of conference and go at it for three weeks and see who is left standing! The only controversy at that point would be who is ranked 8th and who is ranked 9th to get into the playoff bracket.

Boo BCS...YAY Playoffs!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Great Opening Night!

The crowd of nearly a hundred and thirty loved the show! They laughed and laughed!
The Date had the time of her life after understanding what it means when an audience is out there in front of you for the first time. Thing 2 did super well, in fact the entire cast was great biggest part to smallest part! There isn't a weak link here!

After the show we took Court and headed home to change and then to BDubs with friends and cast mates, we stayed there until midnight! Everyone just loved chatting about the post game of the show. Wrapping up how things went, what was funny on stage, how the audience reacted, all of that and more.

It was a good but expensive Friday. I had the Tahoe in to look for the mystery front end sound. Turns out it was a wheel bearing but not the one Grizzly (the alignment guy) and I thought it was. It was the opposite one and it was very bad. So that got changed and new brake pads were put on for a total just north of four hundred dollars. Grizzly and I used to work together where I work. He's a good guy, honest as the day is long and as goofy too.

Big guy, loves cats, looks like a mountain man. He had that front end apart in no time, pads installed, brakes bled, and silently back on the road in less than two hours. Yep it is good to go now for many thousands of more miles! Thankfully yesterday was payday and we had the money for the job to get done!

Always thankful for the little things!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Great Day!

Last night went decently smooth. Final dress rehearsal that is. A blown line here and there but it flowed together nicely and there were big laughs all the way through the show!

It was funny, there were times when I was actually watching the show instead of following the script and came close to blowing a cue. I was late on a couple for that very reason but didn't completely blow them all together.

Yesterday was quite a day! The Date got a job that will work around her college schedule but will also demand her time when she isn't in class. Talk about out of the blue, first it was a random meeting then it was dependent upon a bond issue passing. It failed so we forgot about the potential job. Then three weeks ago a new position was approved anyway so The Date applied and interviewed for it.

After they didn't seem willing to work around her college schedule she didn't feel good about getting the job and yet yesterday it was offered to her, along with a whole new set of responsibilities! This will be a challenge and it'll be a great blessing! It's a fantastic pay package and could work into a better one, the job is something she's done forever and loves doing!

Things are going in a good direction right now:)