Sunday, July 02, 2006

Super Superman!!!!

Superman was a GREAT MOVIE!!!!

I had a blast with this movie, well except for the little kid who kept kicking me for the entire length of the movie. Well not the entire length, I think she fell asleep for about 20 minutes at one point but then had her second wind when she woke up and put her kicking into high gear.

She also decided to talk every 2 minutes to ask about what was going on. I probably should have stood up and walked around to the row behind them and started kicking. Please people, keep a leash on your kids in public huh? Notice what in the world they are doing and if they are annoying someone, stop them!!!!

Now back to the movie, Superman was great!

I could easily see that it will be one of the top three grossing movies of 06. I think that Pirates will probably be the top earning movie of the year if it is half as good as the first one.

I am still stumped when it comes to the marketing strategy of Superman. With a movie that was this good to have such a stunning lack of promotion is unheard of.

I don't understand it.

The visual effects were sensational. Yeah there was a ton of CGI but you really don't mind in this movie. Honestly the only slight problem I had with it was Lex Luthor's plot. If there was a weak link and it isn't that weak since the movie was more about Supes than anything else.

A great holiday weekend movie!

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