Thursday, February 23, 2012

Maybe Today

Thing 1 could possibly come home today from the hospital! The let her back on solid foods and hopefully she'll get over the nausea part. She's had a rough couple of evenings but we are hoping the virus is passing now.

I've got a director's interview tonight at the Theatre. I've submitted Night of the Living Dead as the Halloween show. I wanted to incorporate video into the production as in filming the opening cemetery sequence and opening with that and then the basement and closing sequences where the zombies are rounded up and shot.

It's a bit ambitious but someone has to break down those barriers. If the tech side can't be ironed out then I said I would resubmit another season when it can be done the way I see it.

I'm off this evening and I'm glad! I need this break badly now. It's been tougher on me lately. My coworkers at Walmart have decided to play musical call ins lately and I'm seemingly the only one that comes to work when scheduled to. Last night I actually had a coworker but he got a reprimand on his call ins.

I guess the difference in me and them is that I'm willing to do what it takes to support my family and one of them doesn't particularly care if he keeps a job or not.

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