Thursday, January 31, 2013

On The Way

Alright, the beta readers have been secured.
I hired a graphic artist after Thing 2 simply didn't have the time to do the work.
He happens to be the son of one of my cousins. So I'll still be paying family to handle the work. He's pretty darn good too!

When my beta readers give me their critiques I'll evaluate them and rewrite the first draft to a draft that's much better and ready for publishing! I should be able to have it ready by March if things go well.

This will be a fun chapter to write, so to speak and I'm excited about a few other stories I've got rolling around in my head!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I'm Back!

That's right, my project has come to fruition recently and now I've got the time and energy to blog once again. I stopped blogging months ago for a reason. I was going to write a novel.

I did.

I didn't have time in the mornings to write both a novel and come up with a daily blog post. To start with I purchased a book called 90 Day Novel: Unlocking The Story Within.

Following it to the letter, well for the most part, I wrote away. An extra hour each morning, mostly anyway. When I was writing heavy I could hit the two thousand word mark but mostly I averaged about thirteen hundred words a morning.

I'm aiming for the self published world as I'm not planning on making a career out of this and it's really the easiest way for family and friends to access my work should they be so kind.

I mean I could set at home and email out Word .doc files but really who's going to be interested other than family and friends? Most of them will be kind enough to download it and maybe read a chapter or two before giving up thus politely saying they enjoyed it.

Believe me I've got no illusions as to the worth of this novel however it's a story I wanted to tell. This will never be confused with the work of a real author, believe me. It's a lot of pop culture bantering and a fantastical setting that I feel I'd be comfortable in.

The characters are what I spent the most time developing and the story really takes a back seat to them. After rereading it I can say the ending felt a bit tacked on so I rewrote a bit of it and added some more stuff. I'm not sure if it worked well or not but that's not really up to me, I can say I'm happy with it though and really couldn't end it any other way with my characters and the situation they were in. Well in my view anyway, you may see it differently.

I've also got no illusions about the genre I chose. The Zombie Apocalypse genre is almost as overcrowded as the Vampire genre was in the mid-90's.

The format is always the same though:
1. Unassuming, innocent day.
2. People get sick.
3. Sick people bite more people.
4. Survivors struggle to find refuge and safety.

With very few variations that's how they all go and I've read more than my fair share so I decided to add a few slight alterations to my story without making it totally self aware and thus a satirical joke.

There are good parts and bad parts of this story but it's my first attempt at serious writing so as a first effort I know there's plenty and plenty of room to grow my skills and develop a better style of writing.

So why isn't it available right now? Easy, it's not formatted yet. Honestly it should be easy but for some reason I'm not grasping it. Once it is formatted though and I've secured cover art for it then it'll be uploaded and published!

I'm not sure how long that will take but it'll happen when it's ready to happen.

So in short, I'm blogging again. I'm not sure if it'll be daily as it once was as I'm really out of the habit but I'll do my best to keep it interesting.

By the way, if you'd like to offer your time to become a beta reader and offer feedback on the weaker points of the story. Email me, you're hired!