Monday, November 19, 2018

Marketing Objectives!

Yet again one of my favorite forms of assignments is here! Writing on my blog, updating my progress in my quest for my degree and keeping my readers informed of what's going on since I dropped out of my social circles in 2015 to accomplish this task.

This week the assignment is to blog about marketing objectives, what they are, and how to apply them. To break it down very simply marketing objectives are the organized goals for a marketing plan. They define the purpose and goals in clearly stated ways so everyone can get on the same page and they know what they are working towards.

For example if the goal is brand awareness and you lay out a social media strategy then everyone knows what the goal is, they'll know how to measure that goal with the amount of comments, shares, likes, etc. and they'll know where to improve.

That's just a rudimentary example but to more clearly define the goals they should be measured against the acronym, SMART. SMART goals are the measuring stick so the team doesn't get off track.
S - Specific goals must be defined.
M - Measurable so you can quantify the results in such a way that you know where you stand and where you need to be.
A - Achievable means that they must be realistic goals. You can't just say you're overtaking the brand awareness of Coca-Cola with your brand in two weeks. Doesn't work that way, that's not achievable.
R - Relevant means that your marketing goals must align with the brand, the company's objectives, and stakeholders.
T - Time Frame means that there must be a starting point, middle, and end point to the goals. They can be broken down in smaller, more achievable goals but each one must have a time frame in which they are accomplished and measured.

Let me give you an example of what worked on me. I purchased a Yeti colster which holds a 12 ounce can and keeps the liquid either very hot or very cold for hours and hours. Much longer than you'd need to worry about with just 12 ounces. Well I registered this product for the lifetime warranty and enjoyed it so much I'm buying several of them for Christmas presents and having them personalized.

Since registering Yeti has offered me deals on free shipping, I got a pack of free stickers (good and free advertising for them, a t shirt would have done much more in that regard for me) and of course the warrant. The point is they email me about every three or four days with some kind of information about their products so they remain relevant. It just so happens it gave me the idea for Christmas presents as well when I got an email about the customized products.

Their marketing worked on me! Their plan is good, and they have quantified my purchases and measured them to be able to tell if their strategy is working or not. Again if they sent me a free shirt, I'd wear it and then there would be even more marketing and brand awareness. Perhaps they should incorporate that into their next plan.

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