Tuesday, October 11, 2022

A Small Semi-Sychronicity

 I find coincidences in life fascinating! Check out this small series I have had today and tomorrow:

I did my 1,000th Spark Delivery today and have a 5.0 customer rating!

My car hit 29,000 miles EXACTLY when I was a couple of blocks away from getting the oil changed so the tag reads 34,000 EXACTLY.

Tomorrow I will have been retired for 1 year. 

Had lunch with TeeHee today, always a great pleasure!

So it's not much really but it's just weird little things at one time, enough so I bought a lottery ticket, which to be honest I'd have bought anyway. 

1 year though, that's crazy to think back on one full year of doing what I want basically. I may or may not have more thoughts about that tomorrow, we'll see. 

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