Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Revolution Started The Other Day

It was a few minutes after 6 p.m. Saturday and I had just come back from a delivery at Pizza Hut (yes, I drive for Pizza Hut and I also have one of the coolest jobs ever right now, I'll get into that in a minute) and my buddy from Nashville that I drove Spark delivery with before I tripped into being a teacher, had a crowd around him watching his phone. 

Trump had been grazed by an assassin's bullet, and then I saw the footage of the raised fist! 

And the mainstream media yawned because he lived. Let that sink in. No matter how much you hate them, it's not enough, not sure who said it, but that is the summation of the Uniparty. Just like the Cold War brought down the USSR, I believe the Uniparty's days are numbered. 

There's a groundswell of genuine change out there. It's been a lifetime of change but I mean, this feels like it's finally time for genuine change. There used to be civility in disagreement but it changed little by little, just like the proverbial boiled frog, the watertight corpse is now floating at the top of the churning water. 

How's that analogy? Try this one...

The left was more subtle in the day, moderate by any standard. But like those that become addicted to power, give them a fraction of an inch and they'll take over your culture and drive your country to ruin to maintain power. Do your own research, it's in front of you. 

The corrupt Uniparty is a combination of politicians, lobbyists, and media narratives directed by the Uniparty. It's orchestrated chaos for the most part. Push a narrative, create a crisis (sometimes they flop like the gas stoves, remember that climate narrative?) and that drives ad revenue. Ad revenue creates profit all around for everyone including dimocrat and RINO politicians who are always the roadblocks. 

It's changing now, the big money events like pride, the BLM riots, Antifa, Ukraine, and the IDF/hamas war. All of it became possible when President Eisenhower said, "Beware the military-industrial complex, when war became profitable, there will be more of it and we saw the cost of the last 20+ years, a disastrous withdrawal, and going to paying the taliban tens of millions per week of money we don't have. That is beyond disgraceful and I would hope that sometime in the past if real journalism had any integrity, they would do something about this and make it mean something. 

Make the sacrifice of these men and women who bear a weight so heavy we should be grateful we will never know the nightmares they have, make that mean something Uniparty. 

Saturday night we almost woke up to a different country and they should be on their knees, thanking Christ, the Sovereign God, and His Divine Providence that bullet missed. I don't think a lot of people would have slept that night and a lot of men that wanted to be left alone spoke up. The country would have been forced to change that night and even today things would be very fluid and events happening right now that I never thought we'd see. I never ever thought the people would finally catch on like they have. 

There is real change happening right now and I don't feel like I'm in the political minority anymore. The Uniparty has a real problem right now, they've finally added the final straw! Something about metaphors tonight, hhhmmm. They forced people too far to keep power by importing tens of millions of illegals to wreak havoc in the country, overload the system for votes, and finally kill the two-party political system ending our constitutional republic once and for all. 

Saturday changed things. I'm a taxi driver this summer with a well-established company here in town. Every passenger with whom I talk (some don't want to talk and I'm good with that too) tells me the same story. They can't make it anymore on what they are earning. Most of them have two jobs, and some like me have three (but for different reasons) they need all the money they can get, and I have the extreme luxury of boredom. 

Damn, just typing that out makes me think right now we don't need to Make America Great Again, we need to rescue America first. There are so many different factors but here is what the American Dream should be, live on one income with enough for a house, food, 2.7 kids, and various household pets over a lifetime with the freedom to go further and dream bigger all you want. 

That'll never happen again, but what can happen is all of the costs that artificially keep costs high like fictitious carbon taxes, the full stop on domestic production in our own very rich energy fields, unlimited funding for wars that don't concern us and are inching us closer to a very real nuclear exchange type of danger,  the destruction of the dollar through vast interest payments and the end of the world reserve currency status our economy will collapse. It's inevitable now and it won't matter who is in office when it does. 

(What matters is how you are prepared for it. Insulate yourselves by protecting your food supply, water supply, and freedom supply. Know your neighbors, have a plan so everyone helps everyone, remember The Twilight Zone episode The Shelter and you'll understand. Show them if they don't and then show them your arsenal in your safe. You don't have to show them how much ammo you have, they can assume that part. But offer them a solution instead just in case!)

If The Uniparty will try and change out Biden next, he just tested positive for covid today. As if that isn't a HUGE Red Flag waving over D.C. of something incoming. The Republican Convention has few RINOs this year, very few! That's the best news ever! More and more people are finally waking up to the real enemies:) They are living really hard lives right now and they know they don't have to, they know it's deliberate, they know it's cruel, and they know who's responsible. 

Patriots have finally been heard politically and the Revolution started a few days ago. 

It's a long progression and I don't want to go through it, I'm sure I was talking about it in this blog somewhere. I'm pretty consistent in my beliefs and when they change and evolve, I am sure I wrote that too, and this blog is over 20 years old and hopefully the culminating events of my political beliefs are on the horizon! A complete victory for my brand of conservative/libertarianism. 

(And yes, being a small-town taxi driver is pretty cool, I get to drive around town, listening to audibles (currently listening to the Convergence series by Craig Alanson, Ron Chernow's Grant and U.S. Grant's autobiography at the same time or chatting with the clients if they want, it's also an excellent fallback job if this teaching gig doesn't work out)

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