Saturday, May 18, 2024

Vacation Time!

 Yesterday was a 1/3rd day really. Had to get some signatures, close my classrooms, get things squared away for the summer. While I have plans on creating a brand new classroom out of it and get new equipment and all. It's going to be amazing! It'll be a model program by the time I'm done! 

I've never had so much time off, this is like having a part time job with full time pay and benefits. Yes, I've got a meeting scheduled for Monday morning to get enrolled into two required classes so I can get a certification. I need to stay there five years to be vested in the pension. I need to get a certification in three. So...keep the good paying part time gig that I'm kinda allowed to create on my own or do something else. 

Monday morning is my first official day of vacation until early August. By June 1st I'll have four paychecks and five by June 20th. Crazy how the pay thing works but what it gives me is a ton of freedom. Yeah, I suck at budgeting but I am still a Spark driver and I could really do pretty well with three incomes. With it being option or whenever I want to, if I want to get something, pay something off, I can drive. Accomplish that goal, go home! This is a pretty nice place to be, it's a weird feeling. 

So Summer list of things to do. Raise twenty five thousand dollars to make a new classroom, new equipment, shop stock, and teach some skills that will let the kids make some extra money or a full time career if they put in the effort.  I mean what's the point of education if you can't apply it to making a living? See? I'm being all grumbly about going back to school for two classes but I know it's for the best because it'll directly effect my earning capacity right now. 

Second, maybe start learning Spanish while I'm driving. It would come in handy at school. But I really enjoy listening to Audible books, I am actually looking forward to that part of driving. I'm listening to two U.S. Grant biographies right now. First his personal memoirs, written while battling cancer and edited by Samuel Langhorn Clemens or Mark Twain. It's a masterpiece of literature. The other is Grant by Ron Chernow.

It paints a picture of a man that struggled with many things and was really pretty average throughout most of his life. He failed in many of his endeavors which he always hoped for a financial windfall so he could afford to move his wife and children to the west coast. 

What was to be one of the best events of his life that sat all of the other events in motion to happen that made him General U.S. Grant was disguised as one of the worst. I find myself identifying with him in many ways. He likely was one of the greatest presidents ever but had faults as many men do. He was the right man at the right time in history and our country was held together because of his actions. 

Yeah, I enjoy listening to novels and stuff while driving and this time there won't be any pressure on me to make a certain amout each day anymore. I can start driving and putting into my personal classroom fund for the overhaul and earn Play Money or Pay Things Off Fast Money, whatever I want...which will probably be Living on Money by the time late September rolls around. I know me. 

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