Monday, May 13, 2024

Last Week

 It seems the past few years my life has revolved around some kind of countdown. From when Thing 2 was in Japan, and then Korea. The countdown to finish college and grad school. The big one which was the big retirement countdown! Now the last day of school in which the entire school year is a countdown to one thing or another be it Fall Break, Spring Break, or the last day of school.

Yeah, I'm 90% sure I'm going to try over the next 2-3 years and get a teaching certificate. I have to take two courses then pass an OSAT test on Art of all things. Like I know art....I know some kinds of art like painting things from jets to models I print and paint. That's not the type of art they want me to know about. They are talking more about the history of art, techniques, styles, etc. 

Yeah, all the stuff I don't know and most people don't. Which is why you go to college to learn this stuff. 

Some studying and I should be able to pass it, I tend to test pretty well. 

After school is out I won't have to go back until sometime in August. However, that's not the plan. The plan is to take everything in the lab that can be moved into the hall and thrown away or sold and get good equipment for resin printing. I've been excited about introducing a logical next step to 3D printing and that's jewelry making. I want the students to be able to make their own class rings or at least teach them the skills so they can do it on their own someday and make their own side money with them. 

I'm all about empowering the kids to make a living with the skills they can learn. Right now I'm tired. The other teachers told me that you'll be worn out by the end of the year and especially the last week. I didn't believe them, it's not been a physically demanding job but it is a job and it takes patience, attention, and lots of keeping track of things. 

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