Friday, May 17, 2024

Coming Around to My Way of Thinking

 I think my daughters read my blog sometimes, I'm not sure. But I want to tell every one of you out there in Readerland (I always liked that old euphemism, or the like) that this is the exact same thing I would tell them in private as here and to you. This conversation between Dave Smith and Tucker Carlson articulates very clearly what my political beliefs have evolved to and as I've documented over the past however many years this blog has gone on now. 

I mentioned a feeling of something is coming. Something big but I couldn't put my finger on it but I was going to prepare for it. I'll have the freeze dryer within about six weeks now and I'll be able to prepare myself, friends, neighbors, and anyone that'll want or need help. Here is what is coming, the event or events that will make the citizens awake to the fact that every politician is corrupt. We are the pawns of the Uniparty, their personal tax generating machines and it's actually our system. 

We don't like how they are running our system anymore. So whatever event that is that makes citizens martyrs and patriots and decides that the governed is no longer consenting, that is what is coming. I don't know what it is, it could be tomorrow or twenty years from now. But what I know and am preparing for is to insulate as many people as possible from the DC madness. Being self reliant is excellent insulation. 

The more rural the better, the more survival skills the better. Have access to fresh water and a food supply, the rest is comfort. 

Now the conversation. I agree with a lot of it. I do point out that hindsight is really easy and this conversation takes out a lot of societal shifts of that time that lead to how we currently are now. Context is always important and there were a myriad of reasons for everything but the fact remains is simply this.

Don't rely on anyone else if possible, take care of those you can, do your best for everyone else. Be authentic, that's the shift people. We are seeing through the lies you are seeing all day long and disconnecting from that will be essential someday. 

I hope nothing ever happens and I find a way to enjoy a second retirement and so do my great great great grandkids. They get the fun stable childhood I had, people around the world can enjoy the same promised freedoms as our Constitution guarantees, and we all wake up. There's no one coming to our rescue if we fall. They will only dance on our graves. Yes I know this is kind of dark and I apologize but just have a plan. Please. 

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