Monday, November 29, 2004

Monday Morning!

I decided to start letting people read my final draft of my script for feedback. I worked real hard to close every plot hole I could think of however sometimes there might be one I didn't think of pop up. So far no one has found any and generally think of it as good and would be a good movie. Which is good since that is what I want to do.

Yes I know that I shouldn't trust friends with feedback like this because they probably don't want to hurt my feelings with a bad opinion but I did anyway. I have also sent it to some online friends who will be very honest with me. So I am confident that between them all I can discern what is good and what needs work.

Yeah, it was a strange weekend. It was a good holiday weekend and I wasn't at work but I'm about ready to go there now. I do look forward to the day when I can take off my uniform and sit in a director's chair. I know its a longshot but I think that this could break through. Why not?

It is probably one of the best examples of no budget filmmaking I could come up with that can be shot with no budget. Believe me that if I had a budget someday I could make some amazingly good stuff however this will be good with no money so....

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