Tuesday, August 24, 2021

50 Calendar Days

 Yes, no matter what else happens, in 50 calendar days I'm finished with my career as a defense contractor. 50 calendar days boils down to 34 working days! As I've written before there is a strong possibility that the company change happens on October 1st. We have not heard anything but I'm operating on the assumption that there has been a contract protest/appeal and the company swap won't happen until possibly November.

This past Saturday was a great day! For the first time since Thing 2 went to Korea about three years ago I was able to spend a day with both Things at the same time! We went to a really good burger place, a comic book shop, and then had cigars and just talked as adults. It's really something when they turn into adults and you talk about your experiences. 

I can't tell you how much I love them, how proud I am of them other than to say it as simply as I can knowing it isn't what's in my heart.I have such a depth of love, pride, and admiration for my daughters it's unreal. 

I'll be back when I know more about the company swap!

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