Sunday, August 29, 2021

30 Working Days

 45 calendar days and 30 working days left! 

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't experiencing some anxiety about this but again, it's a decision that was made for me and I've prepared as well as I can prepare. I have made the absolute best out of the hand I was given. One degree down and on the verge of a second, a lifetime income, relatively low debt that could be knocked out with a full time job plus the pension income in about 36 months total. 

All in all, I'm ready to get on with the next chapter in this spectacular life! 

I made a roast last night in the crockpot before bed:

1 London Broil roast

1 Jar of Pepperocini Peppers

2 packages of Au Jus mix

2 packages of Ranch Dip mix (not the dressing mix)

1/2 stick of butter

Add potatoes if you want.

The result is an amazing roast experience with a thick gravy! Also great to be able to eat on for about three days! So it is laden with value! Roughly a 30 dollar dish depending on how much roast is at that time and if you get six meals out of it, which is easy, then it's about five bucks per! That's great value!

Anyone who knows me knows I love candles. Yankee Candles released their Halloween candles yesterday and I got a deal where you buy two and you get two free! Sweet! Four large jar candles for the price of two! I'm all set for the fall/winter season candle wise now! 

I'm done with Week 5 of my current course, this coming week I'm over halfway done with the hardest course remaining! Other than the capstone I mean which will be next spring. Then I'm finished! I'll be 52 and I should be looking to rejoin the workforce around that time! 

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