Tuesday, January 16, 2007

AFC NFC Game Predictions

Yes folks here are my AFC and NFC Championship Games predictions!

First of all the AFC.

We have New England vs. Indianapolis. A match up of two of the best quarterbacks in today's game. The nearly unbeatable Tom Brady matches up with Peyton Manning who just can't win an important game.

Tom Brady, what can you say? The guy knows how to win. He loses most of his team over the past six years, has no big name receivers, has a suspect D, and loses the best clutch kicker in the game today in Adam Vinatieri.
The kicker goes over to Indy so they have the edge there.
The offense might also have a slight edge with Indy because no one can name the New England receiving corps.
The running backs are probably a push.
The D are probably a push as well, I'd say that the New England D is a bit better but they are playing at Indy so that'll give the Indy a slight edge.

I believe the key factor in this game though is that Tom Brady won't choke and Manning will.

Winner: New England Patriots

On the NFC side we have New Orleans vs. Chicago. A dome team is going to the other frozen tundra of Soldier Field so that is an automatic edge to the Bears.
The New Orleans offense is far better than the Chicago O. They can wear down defenses with the double threat of Reggie Bush and Deuce McAllister. The receiving corp for the Saints is far better.
On the defensive side of things the Bears have the clear edge here. There isn't a better D left in the playoffs. Special teams too, no doubt.
So the only edge that the Saints have here is heart.
The intangibles are squarely in the Saints column.
If the Saints can catch a couple of breaks they win.

Winner: New Orleans Saints

Super Bowl Winner: I believe in great stories, I really do and New Orleans is that great story but Tom Brady is unbeatable in big games. If the Patriots get to the Super Bowl they win no question.

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