Thursday, January 11, 2007

What A Day

Well we have Barry Bonds failing a drug test for amphetamines.
David Beckham signing a five year two hundred fifty million dollar contract.

Two big stories today that each merit their own blog post however I plan on wrapping them both up in one post.

First the disgrace that is Barry Bonds. He is the opposite of everything that is good in sports today. He allegedly asked a team mate for a pick me up and then got into his locker and got the drugs and then was called in for a random drug test.

When made public he immediately blamed his teammate. This is typical Bonds. It didn't matter that what he took was wrong and lets not forget ILLEGAL, it only mattered that it wasn't his fault.

This is just so Bonds. How can anyone like this absolute loser of a baseball player?
He is a disgrace and should be banned forever.

David Beckham, probably the world's most recognizable soccer player and Mr. Posh Spice has had a team invest a lot of hope and money into the idea that soccer can be successful in the US.

The Los Angeles Galaxy has decided to take a thirty one year old soccer player who doesn't even start for his team now and is a little past his prime but has maybe three years left in him. He isn't a top player in the world anymore, from radio reports maybe not even top twenty five.

Now he is the highest paid athlete in America, in fact his is paid more than any TWO combined athletes of any of the major sports.

All of this money and hope has been invested into someone and into a sport that has little to no following in this country. There is no way they will be able to recoup their investment. This deal could possibly destroy or make Major League Soccer.

The bought and paid very handsomely for star power. No one knows any US soccer star. Frankly no one cares. Until there is a home grown soccer star that can do for the MLS what Michael Jordan did for the NBA, what Babe Ruth did for baseball, what Tiger did for the PGA.

That is what the MLS needs if it ever has a chance to make people moderately interested in this sport on these shores.

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