Thursday, January 25, 2007

Busy Busy Busy!!!!

The rehearsals have gone on all week so far and I've been at every one of them for the documentary.

Beersnob's Fanfilm is gearing up with the auditions this Saturday.

So I've had practically no free time except for about two hours after work to relax a bit and grab some supper. I haven't been able to have enough time to edit Drinkbusters yet either.

The Fanfilm is going to be amazing! This is going to be the most technically advanced project this town has ever had!!!! I just know that a lot of people are going to be at the auditions for this and it is going to be amazing!!!!

I know a few people are really looking forward to being a part of this in any capacity as well which means that there is going to be a great cast and crew. I know Beersnob is really starting to feel a little nervous about the process but he will find out that the thinking about it ahead of time is far worse than the actual day when it arrives and he will wind up enjoying every second of it and wonder what in the world he was worried about in the first place.

I know exactly what he is going through so I can relate but once everything started I really didn't have much time to worry anymore and something inside just clicks and you get into leader mode and all is well.

I am looking forward to Saturday SO MUCH! He is going to have so much fun with this!!!!

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