Friday, January 12, 2007

Sleeting Up A Storm


It is 19 degrees right now and there is a lot of icing going on out. The ice is pelting everything and making it generally miserable outside unless you really enjoy cold, icy weather.

I like the snow better.

This gives me the opportunity to fix some hot chocolate and throw in some Irish Cream!

I have plenty of provisions such as ramen noodles and like forty bottles of booze. I'm good!

I had a slight financial mishap this morning that was quickly remedied by Beersnob!
I called a plumber about five weeks ago to take some roots out of the sewer pipe outside. I wrote him a check and I thought it was cashed that following week.

Well it was cashed this morning leaving me with a grand total of .93 cents. Well Beersnob came to the rescue with studio/hanger rent ahead of time! Woohoooo!!!!

So now as tonight sets rehearsal has been canceled so no filming tonight. Monday is a holiday and it should be a cold weekend ahead.

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