Sunday, January 14, 2007

Prison Vader

The past week and the past couple of days due to the icy conditions outside I have contented myself by watching Prison Break.

This is a pretty decent show. The one thing that wears on you though is its constant use of misdirection. It happens all the time to create the effect of imminent danger.

It is a lot of editing to advance the story. While not a bad way of doing things it seems that as good as the writers are they could avoid the over use of this.

This show is above average compared to most of the other shows in the modern wasteland that is American TV. The premise is good but it seems that it can encounter the same problem as Lost if it goes beyond a handful of seasons.

We'll see how things progress with the show but it seems that the shark jumping could come at any episode now even though the second season isn't complete yet.

One other bit of net only entertainment I have enjoyed recently is Chad Vader. The You Tube production that showcases Chad Vader, the less famous brother, who is in charge of Empire Groceries. This show is amazingly clever and witty.

In fact this is the promise of the net as a form of entertainment. It proves that Hollywood doesn't have to control the purse strings anymore.

Anyone who has a camera and a modicum of editing skills can produce something this good if not better. That ideas aren't limited to those living in California or New York.

If you have a dream, shoot it and put it out there!!!!

1 comment:

walksntherain said...

My niece, Brittany, has actually been an extra in several of Prison Break episodes. I have watched it a few times, and each time that I watched it, I really liked it.