Saturday, January 27, 2007

Saw 3: The Illusionist

Well yesterday I received my first four movies from Netflix.
Saw 3
The Illusionist
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
The Devil's Playground

I watched Saw 3 and The Illusionist after work and after filming the rehearsal.

I would say that Saw 3 has followed the horrible trend of putting suffering on screen in creative ways. How many ways can we show someone being killed? Well come see this movie and we will show you new and innovative ways to torture and kill someone!

The franchise was based on a twist ending in the first installment which really could be seen from about twenty minutes into the movie. Saw had lots of exposition, Saw 2 had lots of exposition, and Saw 3 had the same.

So why after seeing the first two movies and despising them did I get Saw 3? Well probably for the same reason I watched the two Matrix sequels. In the hope it would get better I guess. I don't understand the reasoning behind movies such as Hostel and Saw. Perhaps it is a defense mechanism to see some kind of fear that we can actually control in a safe environment in a world seemingly full of chaos.

It was the same horrible fair. From the point of view make up artists I can see where this would be a great project to work on. I actually felt less of a person for watching this movie.

The Illusionist was everything that Saw 3 wasn't.
It was heartfelt, intriguing, and beautifully shot! I don't really want to give away any of the plot because it really should be watched! Paul Giamatti plays a brilliant foil to Edward Norton's love lorn illusionist and Jessica Biel is HOT!

It is a wonderful movie experience and gave me back the humanity I felt I lost watching Saw 3.

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