Monday, November 07, 2005

blugill: year one

Yes my friends it has been one year since I started writing my blog. I started writing in one of the worst months in my life and didn't put a lot of what was really going on in my original Crossroads post.

However it is time to take stock of my surroundings and to see where I've come and where I'm going. I've shared a lot of things that I couldn't or wouldn't share without the anonymous nature of the net with a lot of strangers who will either never meet me or could care less about meeting me and quit reading after only a post or two.

For those of you who have stuck with reading my trite ramblings, a sincere heartfelt thank you. For those of you who are new, welcome! I hope you enjoy reading about my personal and public life such as it is.

Alright, anyone who knows me knows that my nick is blugill, no "e". I made that up myself and here is the story behind it for my one year anniversary story.

Way back in the mid 90's when the net was expensive and 33.6 was brand new along with the new Intel 200 mhz processor I got my first pc. I had a friend who had a pc for a little while and he was telling what to do and stuff to do online. So he was telling me about this chat software called Pirch and then he spelled it for me so that I would know what to look for. Me being a newly minted newb had no idea what he was talking about and misunderstood. I thought he was telling me his name in some obscure chat room and that his nick was Pirch.

So I thought long and hard and came up with my own fish name and modified it without the "e" so that he would recognize me in this obscure chatroom that never existed since I misunderstood the whole thing from the get go.

So I made it up while my newly customized pc, complete with 16 megs of ram and my 2 gig hard drive was being built.

blugill or blu, the trendy way to pronounce it has become my nick and my alternate online personality.

Not quite as glamourous as it sounds I know and sort of a let down, I'm sorry to say.

I have it on ICQ and if you doubt me, my blugill number is lower than any imposter blugill out there....yeah I've actually run across a few people out there who have used the name or registered it on some app or some game. No big deal, afterall I'm the originator and I know who thought of what:)

Now here is some surprise good news!

I have a DVD copy of Locker sitting right beside me!

Saturday was a big day! My producer and I finished the cover and made a ISO copy of the finished version!

What does that mean?

Well it means that now I will have the much promised DVD copies to send out this week! A couple of tweaks on the cover and we can start duplicating them and the DVD itself!

And then my very hardworking cast will get their real copies that they have been so very patiently awaiting! I can't thank them enough for their patience and I hope they will be very happy with their performances cause it is going out to a few distributors who showed interest in the movie as well as the film festivals that it has been sent to!

So after this past year am I better off now than when I started writing my blog?

I'm a work in progress and it isn't as relative a question or as simple as I would like it to be....I don't know when I could answer that question and I don't know if I should. I can tell you that this past year had some very hard things to go through and some things I accomplished that I never thought I could.

I think that if this past year was any indication, anyone who is around me and can bear to be around me for long is in for a wild ride in year two!

Am I writing a new project? Nothing I have worked on so far on paper is really working yet but something will....and that will be my new project which will be better than Locker, I promise....and I hope you will be with me during every step like you were for Locker and all of the other musings I have posted:)

So....let's get started!

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