Sunday, November 20, 2005

Week 11

I have a good shot at starting my winning streak again this week. The Predators will be full strength and I have some favorable matchups.

Of course we'll see how things wind up tonight since I don't have any players going tomorrow night but I feel good!

I have some laundry to do heading into this short holiday week. This is a good thing, I can use a four day weekend right about now. Hopefully the duplication problems will be solved tomorrow or Tuesday and I can use those extra days to roll out as many copies as I need to send out!

I have promised a lot of people copies and have yet to be able to fulfill those promises. I will fulfill them though.

December is nearly here and so is 2006. I have a great feeling about December and the upcoming year! I feel a lot of changes around the corner and heading my way.

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