Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Cold, Freezing, and Wet!!!

Everything that is going on with our weather right now shouldn't halt any progress in this project! Well, provided the electricity stays on this time. In 2002 we had an ice storm that destroyed most of the power lines in the northwest part of my state and most people were out of power for a couple of weeks. I did alright though, I had full dependable power back in about 3 days. So when the weather clears a bit I can get to location scouting!

Yes I know I know, I had planned on doing this last week when I was off from my day job. But ya wanna know something? I had fun last week and was happier when I believed I was on vacation so that is what I decided to do! Just be on vacation. I needed a break....from a lot of things and it really helped me a lot!

I feel....refreshed and peaceful now. I feel good. I feel I can accomplish this project and with the help of those involved I believe this will work to the benefit of all!!!

After all is said and done I hope my friends will be proud of their effort and will propel other projects forward with a renewed vigor and enthusiasm!!!

Yes this isn't much of an update and for that I'm sorry....there isn't a lot to tell at the moment but I am preparing....still....and getting things in order. I want this to be a very serious effort on my part as I am thinking more and more of a future in film for me and my friends!!!!

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