Thursday, July 14, 2005

Modern Advanced Radio

Well friends I have done something I really didn't think I had a need for.

I have done something I really didn't think I would use very much.

I have seen the future friends!
More precisely I have heard the future friends!

What is this miracle of modern science that has enthralled me like a moth to a flame, like a neanderthal to a club, or Michael Jackson to a child's birthday party at a Chuckie Cheese?

It is satellite radio! That's right!
Three geo-synchronous satellites are beaming delicious audio into my very place of work!

GONE are the static infested airwaves!
GONE are the commercial laden broadcasts which occasionally produce a song, like dreck dredged up to the bright sunshine only to be exposed as the dreck it is!
GONE are the playlists that feature so many predictable songs DAY IN AND DAY OUT!
GONE are the DJ's who rattle on and on but are censored by the terrestrially based FCC!

After a mere two days of satellite radio at work with everyone and their dog, cat, fish, in-laws, outlaws, and total strangers coming in to hear the crisp clear tones of musical purity! They have experienced and marveled 23!!!

The Amazing Hair Nation channel!!!!

The glory that is 80's hair bands!!!!
Friends I can hear everything from Twisted Sister to TNT.
From Guns N Roses to Great White.
From Def Leppard to Dokken.
From Aerosmith to Zebra.

That's right, I have died and gone to metal maven heaven!

Now you may ask yourself, Why, yes WHY do you care so much about 80's metal bands?

Well my friends I'll tell you...
I have a THEORY!

My theory is very simple and yet complex.
On the surface it is simple, the music you grow up with is what imprints itself into your mind and that is the music that you associate to good times of youth, fun, revelry, and rebellion!

Now the complex part is this, for some of our seasoned citizens out there they probably get the same feelings from Frank Sinatra, Tommy Dorsey, and Glen Miller!

It just so happens that my day of discovery had bands around like The Scorpions, Metallica, Van Halen pre and post Sammy Hagar, the Mighty Motley Crue, and the brash, bold, and badass Guns-N-Roses!

A band that was capable of stellar heights and dismally low lows but what they put on vinyl was immortal! What they did with Appetite For Destruction and Lies scaled the highest mountains and used that as a launching pad and redefined the genre for years to come!

But I digress....Satellite Radio Rocks!

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