Friday, July 01, 2005

So The Choice Remains...

I am still pricing XL1s cameras via Ebay...however while I have been doing this I have also been saving money and now have nearly enough for a XL2.

So what do I do about that? I am more excited about a XL2 and the best set up would be to have two XL2s as I have said earlier. Since there is no project looming in the near term I believe I am going to save for the XL2s....unless I can get so much value by getting another XL1s at such a good price I couldn't pass it up.

My secret project is well underway and progressing and I will soon hold some meetings with the trusted circle that knows the details to flesh out the storyline and related arcs.

Since my first choice to edit Locker hasn't responded to me I have choice B on deck and will be contacting them tonight or tomorrow.

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