Sunday, July 24, 2005

Sometimes A Moment

Is a very powerful thing. It doesn't have to be a lot. Well I just had a two hour moment.

Anyone who knows me pretty well knows I am a boxing fan. In fact when I was younger I believe I could have been a boxer, maybe even a good boxer. Well with the geography of the situation there was just never that opportunity around here so I pursued other dreams.

Funny, this is sort of a two movie review that ties in to a moment. I'll start here, some movies are more than movies, they transcend film and become art and an experience.

Yesterday a friend and I went to see The Devil's Rejects. Hoping that this would take modern horror films and like a shot of adrenaline to the genre, Hollywood would start to make good horror films again. It wouldn't be too bad if this was actually a horror movie, it wasn't. It was more like a road/crime movie.

It had violence, yeah. It had blood, yeah. Horror movie, no. Wasn't even close.

Don't expect scares but you can expect William Forsythe to turn in a good performance and some unexpected laughs. You can also expect many many scenes that are too close and lots of slow motion...

An experience, a moment? Yes, the drive down and back was good and very productive. In fact we came up with a cool idea for a short film that I think would be fairly easy to do! It's innovative, timely, and funny! The meal afterwards wasn't too bad either.

Million Dollar Baby.

Well you will all know it is a boxing movie. Not a boxing movie like Rocky. Rocky was a underdog movie that happened to be about a boxer. A boxing movie is Requiem For A Heavyweight. A moment of art on film.

Million Dollar Baby is about heart and skill. It is about life and death and more importantly the quality of life you lead. Regrets and forgiveness, triumphs and tragedy.

To describe it beyond what I've written is to do it an injustice. To watch it is to experience it. Not like the dreck of War of the Worlds with its tacked on happy family friendly ending and momentum stopping Tim Robbins scenes. Not like the wave of Japanese Ghost Story remakes which has spread like a rash in the cinema. No not like that at all.

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