Sunday, July 17, 2005


I have finished editing Locker!

That is right, I just took the bull by the horns here and decided to cut the rest of it together myself!

It sucked! I am starting to hate editing but I finished it!

Now all I have to do is take it to a local production studio and have the credits added and have it transfered to either tape or a dvd that I can have duplicated!

I appreciate everyone who responded to the recent email posting about asking for a editor! I really do! Thanks!

Yes I feel so relieved now! It clocks in around 55 minutes without the credits so that should bump it up to about 2 more minutes so I'm pushing the hour mark! I really wanted to hit the 70 minute mark however I just didn't have enough material or story to do it.

I am confidant that I will have the copies to my actors and producers ready within a month and will have some to sell soon!

What a great day it is to be alive!!!!

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