Friday, September 16, 2005

Ben-Hur And Filmmaking

Ben-Hur, quite possibly the most epic of epics or at the least tied with The Ten Commandments in terms of golden era epic filmmaking. They just don't make movies like this anymore.

Yes you can say that The Lord of the Rings is probably the most epic of all time however I'm talking about pre-LOTR.

Don't even mention Titanic to me but you can include most David Lean films in the category of epic in this context.

Ben-Hur not only stands the test of time it might very well define time in the terms of film. I do favor The Ten Commandments as a better film and contains more pure star power though but Ben-Hur is probably larger in scope and depth.

I won't go into the story since most everyone is familiar with it so I'll start by saying that the new four DVD set is the best this film has ever looked and sounded!
Want to talk extras? How about the entire remastered silent version and two making of documentaries!

Ben-Hur is a film I really don't get tired of watching. Not really so much for the story but what went into making it. You can see that the stars were used to being treated as stars and you can just feel how they get into their roles. There is a bit of the over acting that was dominate of that era but it lends to the larger than life spectacle that is unfolding before your eyes. Make no mistake, this is pure spectacle. This is the three ring circus with a fair outside the gates which is down the street from a Rolling Stones concert.

Ben-Hur is much more that just that, it is human and could never be remade. Ben-Hur is a style of filmmaking that is dead now. No one takes the epic seriously anymore and they come up with dreck such as Troy, and Alexander.

Please, don't ruin this for me. Let Ben-Hur be Ben-Hur.

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