Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Well....My Team Tanked

Not only did the top four of my draft picks only score one TD but I lost Javon Walker for the year due to a torn ACL!!!!

Yeah my team tanked this weekend! However the bright spot is this, I am third on the waiver line. Meaning I can replace Javon with a top flight WR! There are three good ones left and I am practically guaranteed one of them!

So perhaps Javon won't hurt as much as I am hoping he won't hurt me.

In other news I mailed Locker to Tribeca today. I gave out one copy to one of my main actors last night! He is about ready to follow his dream and I can't wish him more!

This weekend my producer is planning a trip to pick up DVD supplies, I'm excited about this! I need to get some idea of cover art worked out and hopefully will be talking with my genius photographer friend about an idea or two cause I can't get a grasp of what it should look like. I keep thinking of "cold" colors like white and blue but then again maybe I need dark colors. I know I'm not good at this part!

I think I'm going to have about thirty copies made after all, that should cover almost everyone.

I'm excited! Things are working well right now:)