Saturday, August 13, 2005

Locker Update

I have allowed a local musician to view Locker...minus the missing scenes of course. He went really wild over it and was guessing who was going to live all the way through it. It was kind of funny!

He seems like a good guy and had some ideas that he really wanted to play with. So, that is where Locker is at right up to the minute!

In other project news, I seem to have developed creative ADD. I have a burning interest in a project for a little while and it burns out only to be replaced by another burning interest!

I'm writing a film noir script.
I still love the concept behind my super secret blog project.
I would love to have something to shoot right now, today but that is unlikely since no one in the group is really in the position with a project to shoot.
Chris and I briefly had a short film project about the psychosis of Tom Cruise called Saving Katie.

So ADD is an understatement.

It has been so bad that I haven't even updated my blog like I want to. I had a really cool entry worked out in my head the other day and forgot the whole thing shortly afterwards!

I'll get over it, don't worry friends.

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