Monday, August 22, 2005

This Is A Cool Update.....Read On

Yesterday afternoon I decided, for good or bad, to forego the music and add the end credits myself, without the rolling part.

I did not contact the local production company for the film look treatment and just go with it as is. We'll see how it is received as is, barebones and unplugged so to speak.

I have sent screener tapes to:
The Documentary and Fiction International Film Festival in West Hollywood

At that point I ran out of screener tapes and now have to make two more to send to
The Big Apple Film Festival (I filled out the paperwork on this one already, just didn't have the extra tape to send as I had seen Locker five times already yesterday)

and possibly Script to Screen in Tulsa, undecided on this one.

There is a list of upcoming film fests that I need to take a close look at.

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