Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Negotiating Problems Already

It turns out that what was supposed to be a swift and smooth week of negotiations got off to a rocky start. We had a strike sanction vote a full month ago. Without a sanction from the international union we would have no negotiating power at all and basically whatever we vote on Saturday would be null and void. We'd be forced to accept any proposal set forth by the company.

So some idiot didn't catch the fact that we had no sanction until yesterday...less than a week before our big vote. So the local called for an emergency vote and that takes place tomorrow. Basically what this means is that the company doesn't have to bargain in good faith with us. They can just sit back and let their proposal stand until they find out the outcome of Wednesday's vote. If we still have no sanction then we're in trouble and would be working under rules that even Walmart wouldn't apply to its workforce.

I read the company's proposal yesterday. Some of it is quite draconian. I like that word draconian, it's darn dramatic!

Anyway hopefully they will bargain in good faith with us until we achieve a sanction from the international via our vote.

Wednesday will be a busy day, My Honey will go in for a MRI to discover the cause of her back pain and I'm taking in our kitties to get their shots and one of them needs fixed. Jet has gone into heat twice so it's passed time to get her fixed.

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