Saturday, June 02, 2012

One Great Day

This morning started off simple enough, coffee. Then My Honey got up and we sat on the back patio and had coffee. Then I took Thing 2 to set call for Shakespeare. After that I thought I'd go gas up and had the idea to sand the upstairs floors. They are hardwood and needed refinished as the last owners  of the house glued carpet to them.

So I rented a sander and then helped my mom pick out a new laptop for her at Staples. I happily headed home and got to work. First of all the main sander was HEAVY! I bet it weighed seventy five or a hundred pounds. It did the job though. After about three hours the main floor was sanded with thirty six and eighty grit while Thing 2 had sanded the edges with a smaller sander.

Then we moved everything from the landing into the bedroom and sanded it and then we did Thing 2's room. I started a little after eleven this morning and returned the sanders at a quarter til six. It was nonstop sanding except I did take a couple of short breaks.

While I was doing this My Love and R were preparing for a send off party for Tech Guy. They were making finger foods all day and getting the photos perfected for the table center pieces! What a great job they did too! The cake looked tremendous! The table decorations were top notch!

We had a big portion of our Theatre Family show up and wish Tech Guy and his family good luck in their new endeavors! Everyone will be saddened by their moving and the Theatre will be poorer for their leaving.

We (mainly My Love and Tech Guy) have been talking over shows for the past two hours and finally we shut it all down around eleven and I took out the trash. Tech Guy walked with me and we said our, "See you laters" as neither of us knew it'd be a goodbye. He'll still have the same phone number and will, for a while, keep the website updated for us.

They will be greatly missed!

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