Thursday, September 16, 2021

Medical Marijuana Part 2

 When I got my card two years ago I never thought I'd use it other than to possibly learning to grow MMJ and give it to Thing 1. Thing 1 struggled with anxiety, depression, and had debilitating panic attacks. After getting her card, the only thing she was on was antihistamines for asthma and allergies. I talked to our family doctor about her desire to get her card. I was concerned that maybe it was just her wanting to get high but he really set my mind at ease about the genuine uses of MMJ. 

He was familiar with the meds she was on and said that it would help her but he didn't know exactly how much. So I paid for her to get her card and it changed her life. The doctor was amazed that she was able to get off all of her high power meds and only took allergy medicine. She felt better, her conditions went away. She was able to eat, she was able to keep control over her emotions, her panic attacks went away. 

My favorite story from working at the dispensary was from an 82 year old woman. She had had a botched foot surgery and was in constant pain. They gave her high power opioids to treat the pain. She was thin and frail. When she took a pill for pain she often would sleep until the next afternoon, her granddaughter told me she often slept until 3 p.m. she had no appetite, and she was miserable. They started to search for alternatives and came across MMJ and decided to try it.

I got this story as I was putting her in the system with her brand new card. They wanted to try several things as they didn't know exactly what would help her. We had some great hybrids and indicas at the time so I suggested one of each along with some edibles that I recommended they cut in half until they found what would help. 

They came back the next weekend while I was working and told me the amazing results. She was happy, her pain was easily treatable now, she slept normal hours again and got about 8 hours. Her appetite returned and she had experienced a life changing event when she was able to get off opioids for a more natural remedy. This was in mid 2020 and I only saw her one more time before the COVID lockdown hit. 

That is one of many people I helped at the dispensary. Yes, absolutely we had the people that wanted to use it recreationally. The people of Oklahoma voted overwhelmingly to approve it, so the people have spoken and Oklahoma has been reaping the benefits of higher tax revenue. 

I'm 100% all for it, my mind has been changed 180 degrees about marijuana. You're next question is, "Have I?" and the answer is no. I work in a federal enclave in which state laws don't apply. I mentioned before I would be instafired for having a hot test. In less than a month I will be able to get off trazodone and get some peaceful and uninterrupted sleep. 

I prepared for this. You long time readers know me well enough to know I prepare for things all the time! I decided I didn't want to smoke it. I had smoked cigars for about a decade. The next step was edibles and while that's fine, I wanted something better. The next step is vaping. I'm not talking about about vaping concentrates but flower. 

I did my research and decided to go big and I bought the best vaporizer I could find plus a couple of accessories. The Storz and Bickle Volcano Hybrid. It's an amazing device and I've had a couple of friends try it for me so far since I'm not able to. Both of them are veterans of using marijuana for at least ten years. I brought them over one at a time and ground some flower I bought for them to try. I added the Magma Obsidian which adds humidity to the vapor and I added the Grav Glycerine Chiller on top of that. 

Both of them said it was the best experience they had in years. One friend has really bad asthma and hates smoking it but the vapor didn't irritate her throat or lungs. She was able to do one and a half bags of vapor. The second friend only did one bag of vapor before she said she'd was where she wanted to be and felt great. Two high tolerance smokers and one bag was all they needed and raved about it after. Both want to try it again with me when I'm able to. 

As of today I have to go to work 18 more working days. 

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