Saturday, December 17, 2005

King Kong

Yeah that's right. King Kong.

It was everything I thought it would be and just a bit more.

My friends you have probably noticed that when I write about something I've seen I try very hard not to mention a whole lot about the story itself and just mention the look or the feel of a movie rather than the actual contents if at all possible.

I try to mention what I get out of it without spoiling it for anyone else.

So now I have made a hot chocolate on this sub 30 degree evening and added a bit of Irish cream to add a bit of....flavor;) I've given some thought about what I experienced while watching King Kong and what I wanted to write about it.

So here it is. It is a good movie. Lots of cgi. Had some touching moments and some tedious scenes but overall I thought is was a love story.

There were some great fight scenes and Skull Island looked incredible and menacing. There was a very touching scene between Naomi Watts and Kong towards the end that to me really cemented the love story. The tragic part is of course seen from a mile away but since this is a remake it isn't a surprise to anyone.

I do believe that the holiday season was the wrong time of the year to release such a epic movie though....and make no mistake about it. Kong is a epic movie. This is truly Lord of the Rings/Gladiator modern epic caliber.

While I didn't experience the emotional pain that I did while watching the 1933 original climax, it was still moving and a emotional experience. What was odd though was that what was done in 1933 was a smallish stop motion model and the modern Kong was a CGI enhanced multi-million dollar creation and I still felt more for the original Kong when he fell than I did for the modern one despite the very touching and happy scene I mentioned above.

I enjoyed it.

I didn't enjoy the previews. Miami Vice and the Poseidon Adventure are going to be out next year in remake form. Now I can appreciate the irony of my comments since Kong has been remade twice however I covered that in a earlier post.

Miami Vice and The Poseidon Adventure are unforgivable.

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