Thursday, December 08, 2005

My Remake Quandry

My friends, anyone who knows me knows that I hate the trend of TV shows being turned into movies. It is a horrible idea and a horrible trend.

The movies are usually done in a way that doesn't respect the original source material. The originals are usually classics that have a large fan following and therefore a large base that theoritically should attract a large box office.

The results are usually mediocre at best.

I refuse to even see any movie based on a TV show. I know that my action won't detract from Hollywood making more of them, it is more principle for me than anything else.

The other nasty trend is the remake fever that seems to be going on as well.

I was deeply saddened today when I saw the amount of planned movies that are going to be remade. I'm not going to list them, the list is huge and with a little searching you can find them too. They make me weep when they try to take some amazing movies on their own right and add a ton of CGI effects and updated dialogue.

They are then under the delusion that it is better. Maybe sometimes it is better, I wouldn't know. I don't see them either if it is at all possible. Usually the movie is worse than the original and ruins it like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Remakes aren't anything new. Frankenstein has been remade more than a few times over. The Hammer version is on the same level as the classic Universal version, I can say that with no problems what so ever. Dracula is the same way. There are countless other remakes that are also too numerous to mention but you understand where I'm coming from.

My quandry is this.

King Kong.

How do you see a movie remake when you are usually opposed to remakes?

You trust such a classic to Peter Jackson who is probably one of the hardest working filmmakers in the world today. He is a obsessive fan of the movie and takes the handling of the film in the most serious of ways.

I have seen and read nearly everything I can find on King Kong and I'm so excited to see this movie I can't describe it! So there you go. I'm such a fanboy of coming movie that I can't help but show it.

It looks like one of the greatest spectacles of all time! I mean this looks like it can be as big as Ben-Hur, The Ten Commandments, or as epic as Lord of the Rings. Well as epic as a single movie can be as opposed to the grand Holy Grail of epic movies. Which used to belong to Star Wars in my book.

Watch out comes Kong.

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