Friday, December 02, 2005

Sundance Rejection

RE: 9637-Locker


Thank you for submitting your film to the 2006 Sundance Film Festival. Regretfully, I must inform you that it was not selected by our committee. We appreciate having had the opportunity to view your work, and want you to know the decision was a difficult one, as we saw many more worthy films than we had space for.

I would like to wish you the best of luck with this project and your forthcoming work. I hope you will give the festival the same consideration in the future.


Geoffrey Gilmore
Director, Sundance Film Festival

Yes my friends this was the biggie.

Let me tell you that it isn't everyone who gets a rejection email from Sundance.

It means something to me.

It means that I have completed a film and sent it to Sundance! It means that I completed something (and paid someone to watch Locker) in the biggest film festival in the US.

So what if it was rejected. Better films than Locker will also be rejected. I'm not upset. I knew this was the likely outcome. What it means is something more than all of that.

It means I had a movie that I made. With my two hands and my fine actors and friends, we put together something that was seen by the people who put together Sundance.

We took a shot my friends. How many people go through life and then say I wish I had....

I've done this before.

Deja vu.

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