Saturday, January 21, 2006

Bacon And Eggs: One Of Life's Simple Pleasures

Few things in life are more satisfying than a breakfast of bacon and eggs.

Now for me I enjoy scrambled eggs. I don't mind fried as long as they are hard fried and not runny. Well and bacon....just the mere mention of the word "Bacon" leaves my mouth watering.

So this morning around 6:30 while in the state of between dreaming and being awake I developed a craving for breakfast. Probably a lot of that was due to my cats meowing and scratching at my door which in my state of slumber prompted me to think about how they were hungry and how I was hungry and needed breakfast.

I know it is a long way to get from point A to point B but when I'm almost sleeping/dreaming it seemed logical at the time.

So I decide to get up and feed the cats so they would stop screaming at me to feed them and explore the idea of one of life's simple bacon and eggs.

So after the cats had eaten it was time for me to shower up and make out a check for my water bill. So I went to the Suburban, let it warm up and turned on the Sirius receiver....while my mouth was already watering about the thought of breakfast.

Yes I was feeling like my cats were twenty minutes before I got up while they were howling at my door.

So I head out to the city hall to take care of the water bill and then head to the grocery store! I can almost taste them now by this point!

So I get to the store and find my bacon. With that done I went to find the eggs....I found them and decided to spice them up a little bit by getting some pepper jack cheese to add while they are getting cooked.

So with that and a few other odds and ends groceries I head back home all happy and ready to start cooking! I find the skillet and get everything heated up and put the egg mixture in to cook, I put the bacon in the microwave. It is microwaveable bacon and is very tasty and nearly free of grease when done.

While the bacon is cooking away and the eggs are bubbling away I start to ponder how nice this really is and how so many other people can't really enjoy something as simple as bacon and eggs for breakfast. Wether their lives are paced too fast or wether they just won't take a couple of minutes to cook such a small feast.

So do yourself a favor and scramble up some eggs, throw in some pepper jack cheese, cook some bacon, and enjoy one of life's simple pleasures my friends!

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