Sunday, January 22, 2006

Championship Day And Lunch

Yes my friends today is the day when the AFC and NFC determine their champions.

The NFL playoffs are some of the best football you can ask for. Personally I enjoy the week before the Championship games the best. There are four very good games on in two days. There is usually a very close game and a surprise game that make the pundits talk their heads off for a week with tons of predictions and guesses.

Don't get me wrong, the Super Bowl is great but it is just one game and it is really more of an event instead of a game in today's world. There are lots of commercials that are aimed at entertaining with humor and wit. There are always huge gatherings with food and drink. But the games before that are what a real football fan are waiting for.

These games are right up there with March Madness and the races at Bristol for me (and the NBA playoffs in the Jordan era). I'll write about those when they roll around:)

I had lunch today with my filmmaking partner in crime, Chris. We discussed a few ideas and kicked around a few others. Walked around Hastings and critiqued other movies which is a good thing for a filmmaker to do.

When you can figure out what you enjoy about a movie and duplicate the best parts you are well on your way to making a movie you enjoy!

Yeah I know that sounds simple bordering on stupid but that is a lot of filmmaking in a nutshell. If you can't make the kind of movie you want to watch then what is the point of being a filmmaker? That doesn't mean that you enjoy watching it after spending a couple of hundred hours working on it, it just means that it is the style of movie that you wished other filmmakers would make and would watch if it wasn't yours.

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