Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stephen Fowler

Has become quite the internet sensation and the focus of much criticism now.
For example is a real website and lists every demographic that he insulted as well as the fallout he is experiencing.

He has had to resign from two boards he was a member of due to the bad publicity.

There is now a pseudo dictionary entry in pop culture:

Main Entry:
fowl·er·is·tic Listen to the pronunciation of narcistic
fowleristic (or foul-eristic as the midwest would say) describes a person who is very narcissistic, verbal abusive with little or not empathy towards others. People who like to use more simple words would call this person snooty and pompous.

Cara G. suggested:
fowler (fow-ler) n. (pl. fow’lers)
a person showing extreme lack of couth when addressing others he considers beneath his social and/or academic status, “That mean man is a fowler.” (fow’ler) v. to speak with contemptuous rudeness, to express judgments about, “Didn’t your mother teach you not to fowler your fellow man/woman?”

(fow’ler ous) adj.
impolite, showing no respect or consideration, “Calling someone a “dumb redneck” is fowlerous.” (fow’ler ly) adv. *To fowler by association, using hate speech because of what you’ve been taught by a fowler.

from Webster:
fowlerification (noun)
The process by which a person or situation acquires, or is victimized by, fowlerous properties. "With the final insult in regards to the shotgun, Stephen declared the fowlerification complete."

an elitist ideology that tenets of which believe that only those with a certain kind of education and who live in a certain geographic area are entitled to respect and dignity. "Fowlerifism masquerades in forms of liberal ideas, but at its heart is a kind of academic apartheid."

While I disagree with the last entry of Fowlerifism the rest is accurate. I do believe that liberalism is a stepping stone to this sort of behavior as demonstrated by great liberals in history Stalin, Hitler, Castro, and Pol Pot.

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