Thursday, February 19, 2009

Vince Vs. Billy Mays

Billy Mays has dominated the TV commercial pitchman genre recently. With his carnival barker loud style you get the feeling that if you were having a quiet supper with him that you would need ear muffs.

The guy is just out and out loud as he practically screams, "Hi! Billy Mays here for xxxx!" Well Mays is getting his own reality show on Discovery. I really don't think Discovery will lend itself to this type of show as well as VH1 would but we'll see.

From Magic Putty to KaBoom! and everything in between he is golden in his pitch until Vince came along. Shamwow Vince that is. He looks as if he should have a coffee drip in his arm. His frenetic style and talking to the camera technique makes it appear as if you are at the county fair and he is right there demonstrating his wares for you.

He only has two products that he is pushing right now (as far as I know) with the Slap Chop and the Shamwow but I am thinking you will see him more often and Billy Mays less often.

Vince has the bases covered and even though he seems a bit too frenetic he does seem friendly. Billy Mays is more like the loud drunk uncle that everyone is hoping doesn't show up for Thanksgiving but you have to invite him anyway.

Yes I know there is Anthony Sullivan out there as well but he is more of a third tier guy at this point.

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