Sunday, December 26, 2004

Pre Pre Production Week

I now have a freebie week!
There are some things I'd like to get done this week as you have all read so far, such as secure a location, distribute the script to a few interested people, minor things like that.

If I don't get any of them done then I'm just fine, if I get a couple of them done I'm that much further ahead!

I am going to concentrate my efforts on the location however and possibly get an ad together for auditions.

I had planned on possibly shooting some test footage but that might not happen this week, we'll see. I believe that my cam light might be too bright, which might be hard to believe for a single light shoot in a very dark place but yeah, it is a possibility!

Just another minor thing to work out if it is too bright. It might be perfect and cast the amount of shadows I am hoping for and keep a couple of the expressions in shadows or exagerate them to scary proportions!

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