Sunday, December 19, 2004

Strange But Good Weekend!

This has been a good weekend but it has had a couple of strange moments. Not strange in a bad way but strange in a good way that I wasn't expecting. Everyone who has followed this blog knows that I've been winding down for the year until after the Christmas break to begin auditions and rehearsals next year. Well I am going to scout locations and get a few minor details in order between Christmas and New Year's day but nothing major compared to the audition process.

So I've been spending time with friends and kind of getting away from my project just a little bit. Well it started Friday night when a friend and I decided to attend our (nearly) weekend movie. We started at Chilie's and my friend showed up with a couple of other friends so we had a mobile party at that point! So we have a drink and head over across the street to the theater to be in time for the 9 p.m. showing. Well we got our tickets to Spanglish (very good movie) but they informed us that we still had nearly an hour to wait. So we walked across the street to Applebees this time for another quick drink and for a snack to kill some time.

Even though I feel I look older than 21 the staff didn't really think so, which I kind of took as a compliment and had to walk back across the street to get my ID. But there was some good that came of it and that is our bartender seemed interested that I was going to make a feature film and so I sent her a script via email. Perhaps she will audition! She seemed to have the innocence of one of the parts that I had written and kind of giggly as well.

So one lesson I have learned is this, try to get everyone around you to audition! You never know how many people will show up when they happen and you will probably need as many people as necessary!

So after the movie I headed home as it was nearly midnight and I was kind of tired. The next day I had a fantasy football league Texas Hold'em tournament to attend which I got second place and felt pretty good about that! I won 60 dollars! Then my friend had called and said a friend of his was having a poker night and asked if I would help him learn some basics and the rankings of the hands. So we headed over to a coffee shop and went over some basics. Then headed to the party and I did fairly well then too!

So yeah! It was a good weekend and I am looking forward to the week after this week to get some locations secured and some small stuff out of the way!

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