Sunday, February 05, 2006

Locker Update And Good B Movie

The master DVD is in my producer's hands. He is going to make a ISO copy of it and from that you duplicate your DVDs. It is a great day and a great time for me right now.

I'm so excited about the possibilites that this little movie can bring!

Even more than that though is that I can finally fulfill my obligations to my actors who worked very hard in difficult situations to create this movie with me.

I'm very happy about all of this finally coming together after all of the setbacks we have had. Even though I felt like giving up so many times I didn't. This has been a huge learning experience and the next movie, whenever that may be, will go much faster and smoother.

Now my friends yesterday morning I put in a DVD of a movie that was fun, very funny (although not intentionally) and a blast to watch. Godzilla: Final Wars!!!! The last movie to feature Godzilla for supposedly at least a decade.

This movie had the biggest budget of any Godzilla movie and they send him off in a huge battle with just about every monster he has fought in his career.....although I did not see Mecha Godzilla in the mix. There is horrible acting, staggering inconsistencies, and voice overs that are worthy of the best MST3K episode.

All in all a very enjoyable cheesey long as you remember that it is a cheesey guilty pleasure movie.

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