Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Diablo Day

The original plan was to start playing Diablo at midnight last night at launch. However launch turn out being at two a.m. our time. So plan B was quickly implemented. Go to bed early and get up early and start the quests!

Abostang agreed and thus I headed off to bed to get up at four in the morning to experience the long awaited Diablo 3! We were able to get in twenty levels before the Blizzard servers were taken down for emergency maintenance.

Thus ended my questing day. Abostanf is probably still playing away!

It's a well polished game, practically idiot proof in fact. It would be cool to have a bit more of a learning curve to it but playability and accessibility have always been the cornerstones of the Diablo series. It's simplicity and it's just fun!

I enjoyed it quite a bit and I'm looking forward to leveling up and taking out evil once again!

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