Thursday, May 31, 2012

Nanny Zombie State

More than anything people resent being told how to live by those in power. Well I don't know about most people but the instant contrarian in me really starts to get riled up.

New York City has placed a ban on large sugary drinks such as Big Gulps and Slurpees. Mayor Michael Bloomberg the once Democrat, turned Republican, turned Independent so he could grab and hold power has decreed that drinks larger than sixteen ounces are now banned.

The sheeple in NYC have voted this power hungry politician into office and now like a tick he has burrowed himself in deeper and imposed draconian living laws on salt, sugary drinks, and other such things that deny personal responsibility to those living under those laws.

Well if anything were to be justice for a Nanny State politician it would be that one of the fauxzombies that have been popping up lately such as the man in Miami that was eating the face of another man after he got high on bath salts it would be that they find all of the nanny state politicians and devour them as they have devoured our freedoms to live as we see fit.

While yeah the evidence is factually the same as the leading edge of a zombie apocalypse the actual fact of the matter is that it would have spread far faster than it has and the victim would have turned by now and have to have been put down. So don't get excited yet dear readers, I'm not pulling the alarm bell yet. Stay vigilant my friends, you'll be the first to know it when it happens as I always monitor these events closely so you don't have to!

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