Friday, May 18, 2012

Obama Notes

Last night was Third Thursday, today is payday, tomorrow the weekend starts! It's a busy time! Next week school lets out though and summer starts for the Things.

Work continues for us adults though.

In political news, in 1991, long before any of the "birthers" knew there was such a person as Barack Obama, his literary agent had Barack Obama listed as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."

This was on the website until 2007 when Senator Obama decided to make his run for the White House. Then they changed it. So there are two possibilities here:
1. Obama lied to sell books and make himself more of an international man then before he had designs on the White House.
2. Obama lied now about his place of origin to run for the White House and launched the greatest case of fraud on the country and American people of all time.

It's one of the two. I'd love to see the media actually pursue this as they did everything that even hinted at a scandal with President Bush but they won't. It's probably already being swept under the rug now as I type this.

However politically speaking Romney should stay away from this issue, he's leading in the polls now and after the debates he'll gain ground when he makes Obama defend his record. Obama has been in office for three and a half years, his first and only term is nearly finished. There's been a TON of smoke around this issue, perhaps there might be a spark of truth after all. 

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