Friday, May 11, 2012

Fail Wars: Viking Shores, Provoked

So the fail warriors have decided to invade the Faroe Islands on their most popular holiday, St. Olaf's Day. They intentionally drove a mini van with graphic images on it of the last grind or whale kill on it's side. They played whale and dolphin sounds to try and drown out the festivities but that was quickly shut down.

They were intentionally provoking the peaceful people who were trying to enjoy their holiday and had tried to be civil with the Sea Sheterrorists. The festival goers were nonplussed and engaged with the terrorists until the police shut down the area and kindly asked them to move out of the area.

One of the funnier clips was of a patron peeing on the minivan. Then we go to the home shots of the festival where the citizens open up their homes to each other and serve food. They play instruments and sing for each other and it goes well into the night. Everyone seems to really enjoy each other and it's a very fun and peaceful celebration until the Bridgette Bardot docks in the harbor to stir things up.

Again they use the tactic of provoking these friendly people by putting themselves in the middle of things. By docking at the harbor that is the home of this massive celebration they ask for trouble. By having the camera crews with them they are hoping for an incident. A small group of cars assembled on the dock to shout at the terrorists. That's about as far as it went until a man boarded the vessel, the idiot that said he didn't want to engage was about two thirds the size of the man who boarded the ship. He laughably said it was hard to restrain himself from physical confrontation.

He would get curb stomped if he engaged this viking descendent in fisticuffs. All in all a lot of noise and little action. The fail warriors continue next week with the finale. They will try to stop a ancient tradition of people who feed themselves from the hunt and harvest. Then no doubt they'll go back to their ships and smoke a bale of pot while slapping each other on the back on being intolerant of other cultures.

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