Saturday, December 01, 2007

Do These People Have Nothing Productive To Do?!?!?!

Good grief! Who would have ever thought that one teddy bear would cause so much outrage!

Alright you can already guess what has happened. Yeah a Muslim group has been offended by something that is just meaningless and by golly someone is going to die! I'm usually shy away from politics, religion, well anything that doesn't relate to every day life and me however this is becoming insane with its frequency. You know how hard it is to get me angry?

Yes yes I'm sure that Islam is a peaceful religion, the most peaceful of all religions, no doubt blah blah blah. Sorry we've heard it. People bend over backwards to say how peaceful Islam is but who is it that always riots, kills people, commits atrocities in the name of this peaceful religion?

My friends these are not rational people. Apparently the war we need to be fighting is the war to find something useful for these idiots to do during the day instead of rioting and sitting around waiting to be offended so they can satisfy some kind of brutal thirst for blood.

Yeah I'm a infidel, love it, proud of it, sick of these people hating me for being me. You know something, you wouldn't be so offended if you had a job to be at during the day! Remember the Danish Muhammad cartoons? OH MY! Someone showed Muhammad in an unflattering light, gasp. Jesus is portrayed by idiots everyday in an unflattering light and you know something? You don't see Christians rioting in the streets, blowing people up, and burning down newspapers!

HHHmmmm......religion of peace.....riots vs. no riots.....jihad vs. no jihad....I'm starting to connect the dots here.
Yeah while there are some Christians who scare even me, some give Christians a bad name, and some are out and out frauds you don't see them telling believers to riot in the streets, kill infidels, sponsor barbaric punishments, and blow people up!!!!

Where is the condemnation from the leaders of this supposed religion of peace?!?!?! There is a microphone and camera in every corner of the world, even in the backwards, tyrant controlled countries these people call home and NO ONE is publicly condemning the treatment of this British teacher by a bunch of Islamic thugs....I'm sorry, ambassadors of this religion of peace.

For crying out loud people, knock it off with your fatwas, your jihads, your radical thugs, your keeping your women uneducated, and keeping yourselves uneducated. Step out of the middle ages, they ended like a thousand years ago. Come on it's OK to step into the modern world.

I have no doubt that there are very good Sudanese Muslims, salt of the Earth people just like you and I who would help you in anyway you asked. However this isn't just one country that experiences these kinds of violent demonstrations. Not an isolated event as it seems to happen all the time. Once again connect the dots here. Religion of peace.....hhhmmmmmm, you gotta wonder.

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