Wednesday, December 05, 2007


I have finished the Sword of Truth series. I only had about fifty pages to go in the final book last night, Confessor, and did that in no time at all.

It was a wild ride. Lots of twists, turns, ups, downs, sideways, you name it. I love the characters. Love how they progressed through the years and love their destination.

Goodkind does appear to be in love with the idea of individual freedoms, while good for most people in America I can see where it would gall a socialist who really doesn't have the desire to better themselves. Someone who would like a nanny state to take care of them instead of taking the responsibility upon themselves to live their own life.

Well that is just a theme among the series and part of a greater whole. If you enjoy epic fantasy then you would enjoy this series. Its got it all and then some!

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