Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hi Ho Hi Ho

Its off to work I go this morning. I feel up to it. I'm feeling a lot better about going back to work this time than I was a couple of weeks ago when I shouldn't have.

Rehearsal went a little long last night. I am hoping that the leg mold will work. If we can get the two pieces apart again without breaking the top piece then I know it will work. It is just a matter of carefully handling the top piece which had a crack in it when we first tried to get it apart to get Beersnob's foot out of it. We could use an extra two weeks of rehearsal. We only had four weeks for this rather complex production instead of the normal six weeks.

It took me a while to get to sleep last night but when I did it felt good and I feel decently rested today. I'll feel better once I get back into the swing of getting up this early and such. It'll take me at least next week to get back in the groove again.

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